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The Republican War
« on: July 21, 2007, 04:20:15 PM »
The Republican War
by Charley Reese

It is now clear that the proper name for the war going on in Mesopotamia is the "Republican War." Never before has a political party so decisively asserted ownership of a foreign war.

The Republicans refuse to share it with the Democrats, who, despite their many resolutions, have yet to call for a complete withdrawal of American forces. Democrats have not come close to proposing to cut off the war funding, which is the only way the war can be ended.

Yet Republicans act like jealous suitors and seem to want to keep the war as their very own. They have killed every single proposal to alter the strategy or the tactics. They even killed a bill that would have done nothing more than guarantee that American soldiers would get a rest period at home equal to the time spent in the war.

Killing that bill, which had nothing to do with withdrawal or timetables for withdrawal, clearly proves that Republicans do not support the troops. They support the war. There is a huge difference. Little Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator from South Carolina, has become so possessive of the war that he seems on the edge of hysteria.

He seems frightened to death of what will happen when Americans leave. In fact, nothing much will happen except that Iraqis will concentrate on killing each other rather than killing Americans and each other. Most normal people would consider that a positive development for us.

The Republicans and their shrinking number of warmonger supporters have long since forgotten that the Republican War is an illegal war, a war of aggression launched against a country that had not attacked us or ever threatened to attack us. They have conveniently forgotten how the Republican War was sold to the American people with outright lies. They ignore the fact that the war was bungled from Day One and that ordinary Americans have paid a terrible price for those blunders.

If ever there were a valid reason to shed the label "Republican," the nutty administration and its war-loving allies in the House and Senate have provided it. They seem to have lost their collective minds. They know darn well what their general du jour, David Petraeus, is going to say in September: "Gosh, fellows, things are looking up, but give us another five years. Or maybe 10."

That would be insanity to the third power. The Iraqis are killing us on the cheap with secondhand AK-47s, rifle grenades and homemade bombs created out of old artillery shells. We are using the most expensive weapons in the world, wielded by the most expensive army in the world, to kill them by the small handful. I don't know what the insurgency has cost, but the Republican War has cost us half a trillion dollars, and all we have to show for it are 3,600 graves, several thousand wounded, a civil war and a corrupt, ineffective civilian government. The Iraqi supply line stretches around the corner; ours stretches 7,000 miles. The Iraqis know what their mission is; our soldiers don't have the foggiest notion of why they are still there.

Even to put the best face on it, we replaced a dictatorship and allowed the Iraqis free elections and time to adopt a constitution. At that point, the president should have said: "We've done our part. Now you're on your own. Goodbye." But no, he didn't do that, because his intention is for the Republican War to never end and for our troops to become a permanent part of the Iraqi landscape.

George W. Bush is by no means the first Westerner to make a fool of himself by overestimating his powers and underestimating the determination of the people of the Middle East to rid themselves of foreign conquerors.

July 21, 2007
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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 07:40:01 PM »
Interesting article perhaps, but I see no new perspectives here. Do you?
"Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for western civilization as it commits suicide."
                                 -- Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D


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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2007, 08:20:18 PM »
There really is no new perscective from the anti-war folks. Not that I've heard anyway. They want us to lose, and once that happens, they can blame the president and his party. The reality is of course that they left has emboldened the enmey and ruined the moral of our troops while lying to the american people about the causes and the progress of the war.

Oh well, people are stupid. What can you do?

I only hope that the actions of the leftists/communists result in an another attack like 9-11. Maybe then people will see them for what they are and string them up.


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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2007, 10:17:33 PM »
They want us to lose, and once that happens, they can blame the president and his party

I'm assuming that you have a direct quote to back this up, something like "I want us to lose in Iraq, then we can use that to blame Bush and the Republicans" from someone on the left.  As it is, the only people I've heard spouting this drivel are the more right wing commentators, pretending to know what other people think.  Maybe they called their psychic friends that day,  I don't know. 

The reality is of course that they left has emboldened the enmey

That's right, it has nothing to do with the inept and incompetent prosecution of this war, and it has nothing to do with an impotent and toothless Iraqi govt.  It's all the communists fault!!!  (BTW, this is not 1985 anymore).

and ruined the moral of our troops

Probably has more to do with extended tours and getting shot at (and seeing others shot at) than anything anyone on the left says.

while lying to the american people about the causes and the progress of the war

I'm willing to objectively buy the Administration's rationale for the war, for I far prefer it to the Phelp's notion that it is God's wrath for accepting homosexuality.  I am unwilling however, to offer a total blank check and follow blindly wherever they want us to go.  I have said before that the Congress is just as guilty as the President in the poor prosecution of this war, failing to check excessive Executive powers and offer no benchmarks of progress.  As for progress...what progress?  The latest report says that the Iraqi govt isn't going to achieve key benchmarks mandated by Congress.  Al Qaeda is stronger than ever.  And these are good things because?  Oh, that's right, Saddam is gone now, though, lest we forget, Osama is still cave-hopping somewhere.

Oh well, people are stupid. What can you do?

Try to respectfully show them the merits of your arguments and listen to theirs?  This is called civil discourse, something which some of your posts on other threads seem to be in sore lack of.

I only hope that the actions of the leftists/communists result in an another attack like 9-11. Maybe then people will see them for what they are and string them up.

I'm not even sure how to respond to this, so let me get this right:  You want thousands of innocent people to die in order to validate your political philosophy and invalidate any opposition to said philosophy?


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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2007, 10:20:30 PM »
I'm assuming that you have a direct quote to back this up, something like "I want us to lose in Iraq, then we can use that to blame Bush and the Republicans" from someone on the left.  As it is, the only people I've heard spouting this drivel are the more right wing commentators, pretending to know what other people think.  Maybe they called their psychic friends that day,  I don't know. 

Hey, if the people on the left can "read between the lines" and put words in the mouths of those on the right, people on the right should be able to do the same thing.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)


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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2007, 10:26:44 PM »
Hey, if the people on the left can "read between the lines" and put words in the mouths of those on the right, people on the right should be able to do the same thing.

So, if your opposition engages in misleading behavior, it's okay for you to do the same?  Bullshit is still bullshit, it doesn't matter to me whether it's left bullshit or right bullshit.  Both sides have been guilty of this, and it's been going on a long time.  Still doesn't make it right or intellectually honest.


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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2007, 10:28:32 PM »
So, if your opposition engages in misleading behavior, it's okay for you to do the same?  Bullshit is still bullshit, it doesn't matter to me whether it's left bullshit or right bullshit.  Both sides have been guilty of this, and it's been going on a long time.  Still doesn't make it right or intellectually honest.

Hell, I've been called dishonest for pointing out bullshit.

Once you start pointing out the bullshit on the left - as I do on the right - you might have a point.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)


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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2007, 10:43:01 PM »
Hell, I've been called dishonest for pointing out bullshit.

I don't see anything dishonest about pointing it out.  When it comes to bullshit, the most dishonest thing is to promote it, especially if you know otherwise.

Once you start pointing out the bullshit on the left - as I do on the right - you might have a point.

Where to start? 

1.  Republicans want to give women cancer:  bullshit (I should add that I've known lanya for a number of years now and consider her to be a good person, but in my opinion, she got this one wrong). 

2.  Iraq is about oil:  bullshit.  I think that there was a case made for going in (the WMD's and failing to allow inspectors in) and we did the correct thing by going in on that information

3.  The govt (or freemasons, or the neocons, or the UN, or whoever) constructed 9/11 and/or allowed it to happen:  bullshit (I don't think that's mainstream left, more the fringe element). 

4.  Conservatives/Republicans are against gay marriage because they are homophobes:  bullshit.  As a gay man who was raised devout Catholic, I know that it isn't that simplistic.  Some people have deep moral objections to homosexuality and its legitimization (is that a word?), and I can respect that while I also disagree with it. 

There are four examples from three subjects.  Just because I disagree with someone doesn't mean that I can't understand or respect their viewpoint, though admittedly there are some cases in which this is true.


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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2007, 12:43:05 AM »
Very astute post, Fatman.
"Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for western civilization as it commits suicide."
                                 -- Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D


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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2007, 12:50:42 AM »
Very astute post, Fatman.

Thanks Prof, I get lucky and pop out a good one once in awhile.

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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2007, 04:07:45 AM »

I only hope that the actions of the leftists/communists result in an another attack like 9-11. Maybe then people will see them for what they are and string them up.

I sincerely hope that is some sort of satire. If it isn't, it may be the single most detestable comment I have ever seen made here in the Saloon. And that is putting it mildly.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2007, 01:14:38 PM »
>>I'm assuming that you have a direct quote to back this up ...<<

You must be joking. You can?t seriously be that obtuse.

Let?s make this as simple as possible. If we withdrawn from Iraq before the Iraqi governement and the Iraqi miltary are stable enough to defend the country against the insurgents/terrorists within and the Iranians, the Turks, and perhaps even Pakistan (depending on how much lionger that government can hold out), what will the result mean to the united States? It will mean we have lost. What is the left calling for? some are calling for withdrawl in 08, and some are calling for immediate withdrawl. Therefore, they want us to lose. Who will they blame? Themselves? Please, I can?t stop laughing.

The reality is of course that they left has emboldened the enemy

>>That's right, it has nothing to do with the inept and incompetent prosecution of this war, and it has nothing to do with an impotent and toothless Iraqi govt. It's all the communists fault!!! (BTW, this is not 1985 anymore).<<

Do do realize that our enemies have cable. Don?t you? When they hear that piece of shit Sen. Reid say we?ve lost the war, and that other piece of shit Kerry say our troops are terrorists, and the other steaming pile of shit Edwards calling the war nothing more than a bumper sticker, do you think the enemy finds that comforting? What do you think they consider a Democrat calling the president brain dead? Does that deter them from coming after us, or does it embolden them? when the entire Democratic party attacks the president daily, and screeches for a time table for troop withdrawl, do you think that deters them from attacking us?

If so, then you?re an idiot.

>>Probably has more to do with extended tours and getting shot at (and seeing others shot at) than anything anyone on the left says.<<

Then why are they reinlisting? There have been countless interviews with troops in the field who say the left?s retorisc effects moral.

>>I'm willing to objectively buy the Administration's rationale for the war, for I far prefer it to the Phelp's notion that it is God's wrath for accepting homosexuality.<<

What does homosexuality have to do with anything??

>>As for progress...what progress? The latest report says that the Iraqi govt isn't going to achieve key benchmarks mandated by Congress.<<

Benchmarks. That?s hilarious. Give me some axamples of previous wars where time tables have been met. Then we can discuss these idiotic congressial time tables

>>Al Qaeda is stronger than ever.<<

That?s simply not true. If it is, please provide some proof.

>>And these are good things because? Oh, that's right, Saddam is gone now, though, lest we forget, Osama is still cave-hopping somewhere.<<

And how do you know Osama is alive?

>>Try to respectfully show them the merits of your arguments and listen to theirs? This is called civil discourse, something which some of your posts on other threads seem to be in sore lack of.<<

I?m truly hurt by your comments.

>>I'm not even sure how to respond to this, so let me get this right: You want thousands of innocent people to die in order to validate your political philosophy and invalidate any opposition to said philosophy?<<

Let me ask you a question. How do you think Abraham Lincoln, or George Washington would react to the leaking of secret government activities during war time? How would they react to what Democrats and the Bush-haters are currently engaged in? They'd call it what it is, treason.


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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2007, 04:16:15 PM »
You must be joking. You can?t seriously be that obtuse.

I'm not joking, and I'm not obtuse.  Either you've got a direct quote referencing what you said (you didn't say "I think the left wants us to lose and blame Bush blah blah blah", you stated it as fact, not opinion) or you're a mind reader.  I doubt you're a mind reader.

Let?s make this as simple as possible. If we withdrawn from Iraq before the Iraqi governement and the Iraqi miltary are stable enough to defend the country against the insurgents/terrorists within and the Iranians, the Turks, and perhaps even Pakistan (depending on how much lionger that government can hold out), what will the result mean to the united States?

That we are't mired in a financial black hole with changing objectives, coupled with an incompetent and bickering govt that can't stop infighting long enough to get their burning house in order?  (I'm speaking of the Iraqi govt, not ours).  How long is it going to take to stabilize themselves?  5 years?  20? 50?

What is the left calling for? some are calling for withdrawl in 08, and some are calling for immediate withdrawl. Therefore, they want us to lose.

You fail to take into account that a lot of people on the left (and increasingly on the right) see this as an unnecessary and/or imperialistic war that has been so poorly managed that it's beyond repair.  Do some on the left want egg on Bush's face, at any expense?  Probably, but you do a disservice to your argument when you throw blanket assertions around.

Who will they blame? Themselves? Please, I can?t stop laughing.

I don't know about the guy on the street, but the ones in Congress that lean left are guilty as well.  They voted for the war authorization with nary an objection (the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Byrd) and then failed for years to keep any kind of check on the Executive branch.  I don't know why so many are worried about blame, there is plenty to go around.  Enough for just about everyone in fact.

Do do realize that our enemies have cable. Don?t you?

I may be just a backwoods hick with a blue collar job, but we can stop with the pretension.  If the terrorists are sophisticated enough to hijack planes with boxcutters then I'm sure that they can get the news.

When they hear that piece of shit Sen. Reid say we?ve lost the war, and that other piece of shit Kerry say our troops are terrorists, and the other steaming pile of shit Edwards calling the war nothing more than a bumper sticker, do you think the enemy finds that comforting?

I have no idea what they find it, I'm not them.  If they have half a brain (and I'm sure they do) they would recognize it for the political infighting that it is.  If the terrorists take comfort in the fact that the American people have lost faith in this war, is that the fault of the left for amplifying it, or the right for allowing it to happen in the first place?

If so, then you?re an idiot.

No, I can't think of anyone on this board that I would consider an out and out idiot, well, with one exception (and no, it isn't you).

Then why are they reinlisting?

Probably for the pay and the lack of transferable non combat skills to the private sector.  Honestly, I don't know, but I doubt it's some kind of idealistic do what's right thing (though it may be for some, just not most).  The big question is why aren't more people enlisting, and why the military has to lower the bar to allow people in?

There have been countless interviews with troops in the field who say the left?s retorisc effects moral.

And there have been interviews with vets that served in combat in Iraq against the war.  Interviews with retired generals speaking out against the war.  Interviews with soldiers failing to deploy to the war.  A lot of people have misgivings about this war for a lot of different reasons.  I doubt that the rhetoric of the left has any serious impact.  You take politicians seriously?

What does homosexuality have to do with anything??

It doesn't.  That doesn't stop people like Fred Phelps and his merry band of wack jobs from protesting at military funerals, or Jerry Falwell trumpeting that 9/11 was the vengeance of God for gays and abortionists and whoever else he could think of.

Benchmarks. That?s hilarious.

No it's not.

Give me some axamples of previous wars where time tables have been met.

Give me an example of a war so poorly managed that Congress would think it necessary to implement benchmarks.  Notice I said benchmarks, not timetables, they are two different things, though they may be tied together soon.  The President has the power to prosecute war, Congress has the power of the purse, to fund the war.  It was set up this way for a reason, so that the People (through their representatives) might have an avenue for mitigating a war, if they felt such war was unjust, unwise, or unnecessary.  Congress (and the People) has every right to ask to see progress for what they are paying for.

That?s simply not true. If it is, please provide some proof.

The National Intelligence Estimate believes that Al Qaeda has regrouped to pre 9/11 strength.  This despite the elimination of many of their leaders and resources.

And how do you know Osama is alive?

Do you think we wouldn't hear if he wasn't?  With all of our intelligence crawling through the mid east?  I really doubt the govt would sit on such info.

I?m truly hurt by your comments.

I apologize, it was not my intention to hurt your feelings but to point out the merits of civil discourse and how your arguments could benefit from it.  Evidently I missed the mark.  If you look in the upper right corner of your screen, in the newsbox, you will note the following:  A New Forum and a New Beginning
And a new opportunity to
Elevate the Debate
Let's take advantage of the opportunity!

Telling UP to "Fuck off dipshit", and calling someone a "losertarian" is not elevating a debate.  It's dragging it down to a sixth grade pissing match.  I'm sure that you can do better.

Let me ask you a question. How do you think Abraham Lincoln, or George Washington would react to the leaking of secret government activities during war time?

Lincoln and Washington both fought wars on American soil before the advent of mass media.  They weren't out playing in the Mid East sandbox trying to bring democracy to people who evidently either a) don't want it or b) can't handle the responsibilities of it.  One fought to establish this nation, the other fought to hold it together.  The similarities between them and the current situation are nearly nil.  A more contemporary precedent is what did Nixon do when the Pentagon papers were released?  He had his guys break into the psychiatrist's office who had treated the leaker (Ellsberg), looking to discredit him.

How would they react to what Democrats and the Bush-haters are currently engaged in?

Washington abhorred the thought of a two party system, he wanted nothing like the British had.  He also pardoned the two men convicted of treason and sentenced to hang during the Whiskey Rebellion.  As for Lincoln: The president was criticized by secessionists because he denied the legality of their action and by Northern advocates of a more vigorous policy because he believed that the executive lacked the power to coerce a state.


They'd call it what it is, treason.

I doubt it.  Washington pardoned men convicted of treason.  Lincoln could call it treason, but he revoked the right of habeas corpus and instituted martial law.  When Bush does the same, you can call it treason.


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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2007, 04:52:58 PM »
>>I'm not joking, and I'm not obtuse. Either you've got a direct quote referencing what you said (you didn't say "I think the left wants us to lose and blame Bush blah blah blah", you stated it as fact, not opinion) or you're a mind reader. I doubt you're a mind reader.<<

I doubted you were obtuse, but you?ve proved me wrong. All you have to do is watch what they left is doing and it is clear they are wedded to an American defeat in Iraq simply to gain power and destroy a president, regardless of the effect it will have on America or the Iraqi people.

>>How long is it going to take to stabilize themselves? 5 years? 20? 50?<<

We still have troops in Japan and Germany. However long it takes to make sure Iraq doesn?t become another Afghanistan. The terrorists themsleves have said that Iraq is the central front in thier holy war. once they are victorious they will make it the staging ground for the great war on civilation.

>>You fail to take into account that a lot of people on the left (and increasingly on the right) see this as an unnecessary and/or imperialistic war that has been so poorly managed that it's beyond repair. Do some on the left want egg on Bush's face, at any expense? Probably, but you do a disservice to your argument when you throw blanket assertions around.<<

They are blanket assertions that happen to be correct. You?re correct that people on the right have questioned how the war has been fought. That doesn?t put them on the side of the treasonous left.

>>I don't know about the guy on the street, but the ones in Congress that lean left are guilty as well. They voted for the war authorization with nary an objection (the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Byrd) and then failed for years to keep any kind of check on the Executive branch.<<

What check would that be? The President is the commander in chief. It?s his show to run. What the left (meaning the liberal media also) is doing is obstruction and treason.

>>I may be just a backwoods hick with a blue collar job, but we can stop with the pretension. If the terrorists are sophisticated enough to hijack planes with boxcutters then I'm sure that they can get the news.<<

So what do you think they conclude from what our leftist congressmen and media are doing and saying? They?re comforted by the fact that their strategy is working. They realize the left is empowering them by attacking the president and calling for withdrawl. They see it every day. They are watching the left do their job for them.

>>I have no idea what they find it, I'm not them. If they have half a brain (and I'm sure they do) they would recognize it for the political infighting that it is. If the terrorists take comfort in the fact that the American people have lost faith in this war, is that the fault of the left for amplifying it, or the right for allowing it to happen in the first place?<<

Why have the American people lost faith in the war? Or have they really? Any poll you take that asked wether we should win the war, or lose it, always favors victory. It is the left that preaches doom and gloom and never, NEVER reports good news. Americans don?t have the entire story in Iraq because they left doesn?t want them to have it.

>>Probably for the pay and the lack of transferable non combat skills to the private sector. Honestly, I don't know, but I doubt it's some kind of idealistic do what's right thing (though it may be for some, just not most).<<

So now you?re the mind reader.

>>I doubt that the rhetoric of the left has any serious impact. You take politicians seriously?<<

You don?t take politicians seriously? You must be a Democrat.

>>It doesn't. That doesn't stop people like Fred Phelps and his merry band of wack jobs from protesting at military funerals, or Jerry Falwell trumpeting that 9/11 was the vengeance of God for gays and abortionists and whoever else he could think of.<<

We can agree both those things are/were wrong.

>>Give me an example of a war so poorly managed that Congress would think it necessary to implement benchmarks.<<

Management has nothing to do with it. It?s nothing for than a political power play by the left to destroy a president. The left isn?t interested in managing anything but defeat and retreat.

>>The President has the power to prosecute war, Congress has the power of the purse, to fund the war. It was set up this way for a reason, so that the People (through their representatives) might have an avenue for mitigating a war, if they felt such war was unjust, unwise, or unnecessary. Congress (and the People) has every right to ask to see progress for what they are paying for.<<

Agreed. so why haven?t they pull the plug?

>>The National Intelligence Estimate believes that Al Qaeda has regrouped to pre 9/11 strength. This despite the elimination of many of their leaders and resources.<<

You said STRONGER than prior to 9-11, not pre-9-11 strength. which is it?

>>Do you think we wouldn't hear if he wasn't? With all of our intelligence crawling through the mid east? I really doubt the govt would sit on such info.<<

How could we hear about it if the terrorists didn?t want us too? He could be buried deep in a bombed out cave for all anybody knows.

>>Telling UP to "Fuck off dipshit", and calling someone a "losertarian" is not elevating a debate. It's dragging it down to a sixth grade pissing match. I'm sure that you can do better.<<

Yes yes, I know. You have to tell someone to fuck off in a round about way. I?ll try harder next time.

>>Lincoln and Washington both fought wars on American soil before the advent of mass media. They weren't out playing in the Mid East sandbox trying to bring democracy to people who evidently either a) don't want it or b) can't handle the responsibilities of it. One fought to establish this nation, the other fought to hold it together. The similarities between them and the current situation are nearly nil. A more contemporary precedent is what did Nixon do when the Pentagon papers were released? He had his guys break into the psychiatrist's office who had treated the leaker (Ellsberg), looking to discredit him.<<

What nonsense. You know the answer as well as I do. You know what Lincoln did and I can be reasonably certain that if a newspaper leaked top secret governement operations against the confederancy. Lincoln would have shut them down and hung them like the traitors they were. You?re correct when you assert times have changed, and it?s a pity they have.


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Re: The Republican War
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2007, 08:48:32 PM »
We still have troops in Japan and Germany. However long it takes to make sure Iraq doesn?t become another Afghanistan. The terrorists themsleves have said that Iraq is the central front in thier holy war. once they are victorious they will make it the staging ground for the great war on civilation.

We don't have troops in Japan and Germany to stabilise those countries anymore.  It's more of a geostrategic positioning, which to be honest I'm not in favor of.  As for the terrorists, if they lose in Iraq, what's to stop them from rebasing in Libya, Morrocco, or wherever?  What if the US does win in Iraq, and the people of Iraq democratically elect a govt similar to Hamas?  Are we going to support/recognize that govt?

They are blanket assertions that happen to be correct. You?re correct that people on the right have questioned how the war has been fought. That doesn?t put them on the side of the treasonous left.

Why not?

What check would that be? The President is the commander in chief. It?s his show to run.

You're seeing the checks come into play with benchmarks.  You are correct that it's the Presidents show to run, but he has to get his allowance through Congress.

What the left (meaning the liberal media also) is doing is obstruction and treason.

I disagree.  I think that it's part of keeping govt in line.  If it were a Democratic President running what you believed was an unjustified war, you wouldn't be against it?

So what do you think they conclude from what our leftist congressmen and media are doing and saying? They?re comforted by the fact that their strategy is working. They realize the left is empowering them by attacking the president and calling for withdrawl. They see it every day. They are watching the left do their job for them.

I think if we had done a little better job of handling this war, through the press, through the people (the marketing thing bt posted is a good example) we might not be in this situation.  The American people, left, right, whatever - put this current Congress into power for a reason, a mandate if you will, to do something about the black hole in the Middle East.  It's not exactly the left empowering the terrorists, it's every American that believes we shouldn't be there, and the left doesn't have a monopoly on that idea.

Why have the American people lost faith in the war? Or have they really? Any poll you take that asked wether we should win the war, or lose it, always favors victory. It is the left that preaches doom and gloom and never, NEVER reports good news. Americans don?t have the entire story in Iraq because they left doesn?t want them to have it.

I think that people have lost faith in the war.  Yes really.  Of course they want victory, but they are unwilling to pay an exorbitant price for it.  The reasons they've lost faith in the war?  A murky rationale for staying once we went in, an ongoing drain on resources and money from the United States, an ungrateful and fragmented Iraqi govt to name a few.  So what is the entire story on Iraq?  BT posts some pretty good articles here from people on the ground and from other perspectives, but they haven't convinced me of which course we should follow, only made me evaluate my own beliefs and the logic behind them (which isn't a bad thing).

So now you?re the mind reader.

Guilty.  Let's say I have no idea as to why troops are reenlisting.

You don?t take politicians seriously? You must be a Democrat.

No, I generally vote a mixed ticket.  The reason I don't take them seriously is that they'll promise anything to get elected, then once elected they'll do anything to stay elected.  It's kind of hard to take the waffling and hypocrisy seriously, from either side.

We can agree both those things are/were wrong.

Finally, some common ground.

Management has nothing to do with it. It?s nothing for than a political power play by the left to destroy a president. The left isn?t interested in managing anything but defeat and retreat.

Which is more effective management than we've seen thus far.

Agreed. so why haven?t they pull the plug?

See the above reply about politicians doing anything to stay in office.  Sometimes the best way isn't necessarily the most politically expedient way.

You said STRONGER than prior to 9-11, not pre-9-11 strength. which is it?

Guilty again.  What I actually said was stronger than ever, which was wrong.  However, for them to be at pre 9/11 strength with less resources and leadership indicates that we aren't doing a great job.

How could we hear about it if the terrorists didn?t want us too? He could be buried deep in a bombed out cave for all anybody knows.

I'll believe it when I see it.

Yes yes, I know. You have to tell someone to fuck off in a round about way. I?ll try harder next time.

We understand each other.  That's how it's done.

What nonsense. You know the answer as well as I do. You know what Lincoln did and I can be reasonably certain that if a newspaper leaked top secret governement operations against the confederancy. Lincoln would have shut them down and hung them like the traitors they were.

Probably.  However, we aren't back in the 1860's, the world has moved on considerably since those dark days.  When the Pentagon papers were leaked the Nixon Administration couldn't even get an injuction against the NYT.  This is a new age, and though you may yearn for the days when people were hung for leaking material, that isn't today, right or wrong.

You?re correct when you assert times have changed, and it?s a pity they have.

I disagree that it's a pity.  I prefer a time of equal rights, no slavery, and less internal conflict, unlike what we had in 1860.