Anyone see this last night? I caught the end of it.
Dennis Kucinich is the man. The only one of all of them to come out in support of gay marriage and the only one to call for an exit now from Iraq. Gay marriage is such a straightforward no-place-to-hide kind of issue where you are either for equal rights under the Constitution for all citizens or you are not - - I can't believe he's the ONLY ONE who passed the test. On that issue alone, none of the others even deserve a shot at the nomination. They are so full of shit. Then on Iraq he really outshone himself - - take the next appropriation for Iraq, I think it was $93 billion, and pass it ONLY if earmarked 100% to withdrawal of troops. THAT'S a man!! God bless him. I never supported him as long as he was anti-abortion, but I used to wish he'd lose that position fast because I liked everything else about him. Now I understand he's dropped anti-abortion. The choice is pretty clear - - him or more of same, Bush Lite instead of Bush Stoopid.
Obama and Hillary were embarrassing. The white man's black man and the Compromise Queen. Mike Gravel, the only other candidate besides Dennis of any interest at all, had them NAILED - - same ol' same ol'. Although his jibe at their acceptance of Wall Street money was dead-on, he seemed too heavy, ponderous, bitter and just plain OLD. Right message, wrong messenger. And I love Sen. Gravel. He really has fought the good fight. From what little I know of him.
Joe Biden was a little bit better than the two front-runners, he got the only laugh I saw, at the expense of the gun-nut who claimed his assault rifle was his "baby." After Biden had blasted the guy and questioned his sanity, he muttered, over the debate which had already moved on, "Hope he doesn't come after me."
The way it looks from here, Kucinich ain't got a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination. Big Money will see to that. The rest of them - - they don't DESERVE to be President. "Follow the money," as Sen. Gravel said, and he was right. I'd rather have Bush or someone who resembles him as much as possible. Someone who'll bring the country down as fast as possible, so a new and better America can rise from the ashes. Someone who will give militarism, fascism and racism all the rope it needs to hang itself so thoroughly that it'll be gone from the American stage forever.