<<While this may be true to an extent [that colleges will give students better English language skills than they got from AP English in high school] what colleges don't say is that their classes also teach students to think much more liberally.>>
Probably more accurate to say that the colleges teach higher-level English skills and expose students to more liberal thinking. Probably better to expose students to more liberal thinking than to zealously shield them from it. I thought college was about opening up minds, broadening them.
<<Many colleges now use GERs to inculcate students with their leftist ideology and force math and science students to take humanities classes.>>
This is just more nutty conservative paranoia. The stated purpose of the GERs is to broaden the perspective of a university's grads so that when they interact with the rest of the world, they will sound like university graduates and not trade-school grads. The last thing the University wants is to turn out math and science grads who speak and write like semi-literate proles or ghetto thugs. All of them will have to write reports, evaluations, professional articles, etc. and the University has some interest in maintaining the integrity of its degrees, doesn't want to see them cheapened by people with poor communication skills and little knowledge of the common elements of world culture. Not only is that the stated purpose of the University in imposing GER requirements, it's a purpose that is plausible, credible and easily understandable. If Ms. Finley believes there is some other purpose to the GERs, I would like to see some evidence of that other, unstated, interest.
In my own experience, I have to deal with the written reports of engineers, accountants, physicians and other professionals, and most and perhaps even all of them adhere to a high standard of literacy and style. Any that did not would be an embarrassment and probably not worth the paper they are printed on. Any professional graduate of a University should be able to express himself or herself ably in writing and would be a profound embarrassment to their alma mater if they could not. An exposure to literature, particularly English literature, exposes them to a wide variety of methods, tricks and techniques of expression and is invaluable in the formation of a decent writing style. There are very few "naturals" in the world of writing, and although Damon Runyon comes quickly to mind, I don't think an engineering report written in his inimitable style would bring much credit to any academic institution of higher learning.
<<Students quickly realize that when professors tell students that they need to think critically to earn good grades, professors really mean that students need to think like a liberal. For many academics, critical thinking and liberal thinking are synonymous.>>
Critical thinking is critical thinking. Liberal thinking is liberal thinking. I went to a very liberal university (Toronto) with very liberal professors. None of them told us to "think liberal." This is total bullshit. In my post-grad studies, the profs were more of a mixed bag. There was a lot of give-and-take. It didn't hurt me to argue with conservative profs and students and it didn't seem to hurt the conservatives to argue with liberal profs and students. It's just part of an education. Good for all parties concerned.
<<Many students who take IHUM classes, like "Race, Gender, and the Arts of Survival" and "Worlds of Islam," complain about pedantic, ideological professors and teaching assistants.>>
Does anyone else want to throw up at this pathetic whining? When are these f*****g idiots ever going to grow up?
<< When I asked a Worlds of Islam teaching assistant what made his course different from other IHUM classes, he told me that my very question was "demeaning.">>
No shit? And I suppose it was at this point in the conversation that a mysterious, sudden muscle paralysis prevented you from asking, "Yeah? What's so demeaning about the question?"
<<Many students also complain that professors neglect the classical canon in favor of modern, multicultural works . . . >>
Why that's . . . that's . . . it's almost like broadening young minds!!! The horror! The shock! The outrage! Stop them, stop them somebody, before even MORE minds are broadened!!
<<For example, in my IHUM literature class I learned that "The Canterbury Tales" was one of the first feminist literary works . . . >>
Oh God NO!! NO!!! I pray to our precious Lord and Saviour that you stopped yourself in time from asking the prof, Why? WHY is "The Canterbury Tales" one of the first feminist works?
<<Like many freshman, I found it difficult to distinguish between what is true and what ideologues profess is true.>>
Are you really SURE you belong in a University? Do you think maybe hairdressing school would be a more comfortable environment for you?
<<Because freshmen are sponges, first-year humanities requirements are effective ways for colleges to indoctrinate young, impressionable minds.>>
Good point! I say no higher education for anyone under 40. How the hell can an 18-year-old learn to think critically?
<<Like other colleges, my school also mandates a three-course writing requirement for all students regardless of their writing scores on standardized tests. Even if you were F. Scott Fitzgerald (but maybe not Karl Marx), they would still insist on teaching you how to write.>>
Local high schools producing lots of F. Scott Fitzgeralds, are they?
<<Like other GERs, the requirement makes it more difficult for students, especially science students who have more major requirements, to graduate early and save money.>>
Never mind cutting the humanities, think of how early they could graduate and how much money they could save if they didn't even have to learn math and science!! I think they should just show up on the day after Labour Day, pay the discounted tuition at the front window and pick up their diploma at the back door on their way out. The One-Day Diploma, a new concept in the pursuit of higher education!
<<The classes are often a waste of time, units and tuition money for those who are already adept writers and those who plan to pursue science or math degrees.>>
That's because they reached such a high degree of perfection at the end of high school that any further improvement was simply an impossibility.
<<Many humanities students complain that they could get A's on their papers without attending class. Many do.>>
Ah, so they have grade inflation in the U.S. universities too. It's a f****n scourge, eh?
<<Furthermore, science students should be allowed to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of spending the extra time, units, and money on humanities classes.>>
Sure, just so long as they graduate without a degree and don't mention the name of their college ever again. In which case, wouldn't they save even more money by going to a trade school?
<<Is learning how to follow Modern Language Association format for research papers worth $15,000 for prospective engineers? >>
Yeah, actually, knowing how to write a smart, professional-looking report that earns the respect of peers and other professionals IS worth $15K for a P. Eng., considering that this is what he's going to be doing for the rest of his life. That's what professionalism's all about.
<<Colleges call on students to take charge of their educations but then make the most basic academic decisions for them. >>
That's cuz they don't want people wandering around the world with their degrees in a CV, speaking and writing just like any average guy without the degree. They want to avoid "devaluation" of the university's degree. They want their grads to make a very favourable impression by the way they communicate, and they're not gonna leave it to chance.
<<Colleges, after all, need to ensure that all students graduate knowing that "black" and "queer" are inappropriate terms, that Western culture is heinous and that women are and always have been oppressed.>>
Why, that's absurd! What colleges really need are graduates who aren't afraid to call blacks "Niggers" every chance they get, to call gay people "faggot" even if - - especially if!! - - they are the head of an advertising agency or a hospital, and who will lose no chance, if they are sent abroad on business, to tell any of the locals with whom they come in contact that they are filthy heathen but blessed beyond belief to have the opportunity to watch a real American in action. Real men, men who won't be afraid to tell any woman they meet in business to bring that coffee and bring it hot!!