<<LOL...that is one bizarre and twisted way to ignore the FACTS. Many countries recognized it [the claim that Saddam had WMD] for being precisely belieavble & accepted it, but still chose not to participate, France being a perfect example>>
What a crock of shit. Show me where French intelligence claim to report that Saddam had WMD. And even if you can show that, any idiot could see that they were no threat to the U.S.A.
<< . . .it was never about the threat of Iraq/Saddam attacking the U.S.>>
No it was about even bigger bullshit, even more absurd lies - - for some inexplicable reason, Saddam was going to put his whole life and his country's very existence at stake for no visible reward by giving nukes to "terrorists" to attack the U.S., and keeping his fingers crossed that the "terrorists" knew how to keep one big secret. What kind of fucking MORON would even consider that garbage, let alone believe it?
<< But continue with that baldface distorted lie. Not my credibility getting screwed>>
Oh, yes it is. And very badly.
<<You mean the predominantly Iraqi on Iraqi death. >>
No, I was talking about lives lost to breast cancer in Central America.
<<Yea, what about it? >>
<< Freedom isn't free. Shall I reference the lives lost during our Revolutionary war? Our civil war?? >>
Yeah, by all means. Neither one of them precipitated by and due to a foreign invasion.
<< Freedom is gained at the cost of sacrifice, not that you'd care about that, considering how supportive you are of oppressive and dicatorial regimes when they're pushing the correct political ideology. >>
Oh, right, I FORGOT!!!! This is all about Iraqi FREEDOM!!! Thaaaat's why the U.S. invaded, to bring them FREEDOM. These arguments are clearly aimed at the bottom five per cent of the dumbest 10% in the nation, possibly in the world. But go on embarrassing yourself - - the U.S.A., which is so tolerant of dictatorship in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc., etc., etc., is blowing half a trill and the life and limb of its prize military in the cause of Iraqi freedom. And THEN, when they finish bringing the gift of freedom to the Iraqis, they'll bring it to the Egyptians, then the Jordanians, then the Saudis, each in their turn, regardless of cost, because the U.S. has this historic committment to frrrrreeeeeee-dumb in the Middle East. (Just curious, sirs - - have you ever found even ONE adult who is dumb enough to actually believe this shit?)
<<You'd have fit in nicely in Saddam's cabinet.>>
Yeah, because of my Amnesty International activities. Saddam's cabinet was just full of AI members. He wasn't a man to hold grudges.
In answer to my question, "How can you debunk something that is true?" [i.e., Bush lied, they died,] sirs replied:
<<By demonstrating over and over and over and over again, the lie it is>>
Well, sirs, let me know when you actually accomplish it, even once.
sirs, <<Quote from: Michael Tee on July 27, 2007, 08:52:56 PM
<< . . . since A) it was believed [by] a vast majority that he had them . . . >>
still quoting me, <<Also not true, there was no such "vast majority," plenty of people claimed at the time this was bullshit>>
and then sirs commented himself: <<"Plenty" doesn't even come close to a vast majority. Likely not even a vast minority, when you look at poll after poll, politician after politician, rhetoric after rhetoric, leader after leader, organization after organisation, claiming precisely that, the threat Saddam posed to the region, and the WMD they nearly all believed they had, prior to even this administration. >>
Ah, sirs, don't count"politicians" in your "vast majority." They're cowardly whores, you know it and I know it. They're all the John Kerry's of the world, yes I supported it but I didn't really support it, my fingers were crossed behind my back when I voted for it. Leader after leader, I'm sorry to say you're just full of shit. Some leaders (like Blair) themselves used faked evidence, others never bought into it. Your tale of a "vast majority" of leaders supporting this absurd theory is just more BS, I'm afraid. Put your money where your mouth is and demonstrate it. Not with Clinton-era quotes, when maybe Saddam still had some WMD, but with quotes from leaders AFTER Saddam made his accounting as demanded by the UN. AND THEN, show me the leaders (if there were any) who claimed to believe that Saddad had WMD, who also signed on to the totally absurd, cockamamie theory that such weapons constituted a threat to the U.S.A.
<<Quote from: Michael Tee on July 27, 2007, 08:52:56 PM
and besides that, whether he had them or not was totally irrelevant, since his having them in itself did NOT amount to a threat against the U.S. in the absence of any evidence that he was intending to attack the U.S.
<<Interesting tact now....so, basically "even if" the above FACTS I've referenced are true, which they are, now you're going to add the original lie on top of it, to try and deflect the issue and cover up your blackhole of evidence....back to the lie that this was about Saddam preparing to attack the U.S. Well, as Professor already referenced, you can keep repeating that lie, it still doesn't make it true.>>
Yeah, but it's not a lie that I'm repeating, sirs, it's logic and common sense: despite Bush's lies about Saddam's WMD, he had none; the "intel" that supported it was based on fakery, some of it actually known by Bush at the time (the yellowcake crap) and yet used by Bush, knowing that it was false, in his State of the Union speech; there was no "vast consensus" about this alleged horde of WMD in Saddam's hands, there were many who never believed in it, and even if Saddam had these weapons, the idea that he, or even more absurdly, someone to whom he would just give them away, would use them on the U.S. is pure fantasy and imbecility. OTOH, the Big Lies that YOU keep repeating endlessly (including that everything I say has been "debunked") do fall within the Professor's comment that all your repetition will NEVER make it true.
<<Quote from: Michael Tee on July 27, 2007, 08:52:56 PM
<< . . . including a unanimous concensus by the NIE>>
<<They're [the NIE makers] obviously as corrupt and evil as the regime which pays their salaries. Or so totally incompetent as to produce "intel" which is ludicrous on its face.
<<Now, back to the good'ol Tee, where anything that dares contradict his made up mind, by any official organization or investigative body, is either corrupt, incompotent, or just trying to CYA.....all of course minus 1 shred of actual evidence, outside of Tee's say so and "dot connecting.>>
Yeah, how foolish. People on the government payroll lying to back up the Boss, who otherwise would be clearly guilty of major war crimes and mass murder. No pressure at all on them to come up with that shit. What you call "intel," sirs, was cooked to order before AND after the invasion. No surprises there, sirs.
<<Quote from: Michael Tee on July 27, 2007, 08:52:56 PM . . .
<<The idea that Saddam would give away his nukes to others so THEY could attack the U.S. is] even more ludicrous than the idea of Saddam himself attacking the U.S., since as I have pointed out, it would mean surrendering his own and his country's destiny to the whims of a bunch of "terrorists" and getting nothing in return. Even a moron could see the absurdity of it.>>
<<Yet again, Tee claims ignorance, since no one is claiming Saddam planned to hand over all his WMD. Nearly all the WMD we discuss, specifically as it relates to chemical & biological weapons, can be carried in small quantities, and again based on the intel, made it perfectly clear how he could sell just small quantities, make a mint in the sale, still have a plthora of stockpiles, and the Terrorists have their new weapon to try hitting the U.S. with.>>
Once again, you missed the point completely. Why am I not surprised? Saddam did not have to give away ALL his WMD to sacrifice his and his country's destiny or place their destiny in the hands of "terrorists." All he had to give away was enough to make one deadly attack on the U.S. Once that was accomplished, ONE SINGLE "terrorist" with loose lips would damn both Iraq and Saddam to anihilation. The blackmail possibilities alone could be enormous. It's unthinkable that ANY leader, not just Saddam, would just give away weapons developed at great effort and still relatively rare in the world, to anyone else; control of weapons like that is extremely important, and a sacrifice of that control is a very real sacrifice of power.
What on earth could Saddam hope to gain in return from the "terrorists" for putting his entire destiny in their hands? Money? Are you kidding? Did you see this guy's palaces? He OWNED the second biggest proven oil reserves in the world. Besides which, what good would the money do him if the U.S. nuked him and his country?
Your theory of Saddam giving away nukes to "terrorists" is just plain ludicrous. Speaking quite frankly, it is obvious bullshit and nobody but a total moron could take it seriously.
<<Ludicrous is the notion that this isn't possible. Ludicrous is the notion that folks with a common enemy, who made not work together in any organized format, wouldn't try helping each other out against said common enemy, that being the great satan.>>
There is absolutely nothing the "terrorists" could do with that weapon that Saddam couldn't do himself, and probably do it much better, using Egyptians, Afghans, Saudis or anybody else he wanted. Ludicrous to think that Saddam would expect better results from a gang of "terrorists," constantly on the run would get a better result than a nation with all the resources of an oil-rich economy at its disposal.
<<At least you have that lie down to a science>>
The Big Lie is and always has been that Saddam was a threat to the U.S.A. And the only one who "has it down to a science" is you. The other lies you have down to a science are almost too numerous to enumerate, but I'll take a stab at it anyway - - that Bush and his lying criminal gang really believed that Saddam had WMD, that no attempt was made by Bush and his gang to cook the books on intel, that torture, rape and murder by U.S. forces are (a) not systemic in the U.S. military, (b) the work of a small group of "bad apples," and (c) are fiercely punished whenever discovered; and that oil is not the primary reason for this criminal attack.