Will we also have a legal description of the folks in the north epitomized by Boston Southies?
Of course, that is the whole point, to identify where racism is and address it.
It is time to stop trying to pretend that racism cannot be identified.
This would, as I have noted, need a paradigm shift in the regarding of racism as related to that under the lens of the law. I do not care about the effect on such units as what the kkk ilk thinks or feels here, except that should they act out in their feelings and transgress the laws, they would be held legally responsible, commensurate in spirit to any other thuggish threat, but with a new and more appropriate zeal of enforcement.
Gone would be legislation that obfuscated or trivialized the law so that racists have actually redirected, if not rewritten, laws that apply to racism. Gone would be regional judges who, though not noted in the local press, were known for their winking. News laws, conceived in a new dispensation of laws dealing with racism--as in, for comps sake, civil rights legislation, would be written with a less choking flexibility of both definition or enforcement. Not just a law here or there, but a broad, meaningful new perspective from the new locus of the paradigm shift.
A paradigm shift, for instance, as that when America had a new president, FDR, who called in the top bankers to the white house and told them that, for the last fifty years, the banks controlled the federal government, and from now on the federal government would run the banks. Paradigm shift in perspective.
I know all the fears of the universe descend on the individual racist when such a suggestion is made; I know they fear a new Ireland: what I also know is that there would be a lot of unsmiling whites and smiling blacks. That would indicate that it is working, and, beyond that litmus, it should be ignored.
I addressed the dixie south and law enforcement retirement idaho--two racist strongholds, but of course there are others.
My position is to ferret them out and prosecute them.
As in the point I addressed in the post, one could not properly identify all Boston as racist, and should not; neither should racists who seek shelter under those whole-city, whole-state, whole anything ruses be permitted to continue. Therefore, the Southies (your term) would be where all the action is, not all of Boston.
All law enforcement, and especially federal law enforcement, already knows how to direct investigations to the guilty. Nothing new here. And it is an extremely salient truth that it matters not at all which if any law enforcement officers like what they would have to do. They are used to this, too. Like evicting poor people they knew were victims of slimy landlords, or swinging their clubs at working people who were on strike to better their lives under a tyrannical corporation.
With a new dispensation to end racism, of course there is going to be reaction. But I suggest that the newly experienced pain and incovenience suffered by you and other Whites is commensurate with that departing from Blacks souls in America today. Philosophically responding to that point, I can only add it is about time.
I also believe firmly that most of America is sick and tired of all this hate. I have found that much of the racism in the South is rote and gesticular, played to like one of P's popularity contests, and is played with deference to the more fervent among them who fondle their hate with a solemn gravitas which is, in the world of reality, bogus, because it is just a loser's hate, much like the hate of the dixie south is a loser's hate.
Time to grow up.