<<oh yeah thats feasible, like Pakistan is going to attempt to nuke the United States
because the United States brings Iran to it's knees with conventional air power.
an ally of the US is going to commit suicide over Iran being demilitarized.
yeah sure>>
I guess you didn't read carefully enough. My point was that a mad dog on the loose (Hitler, the USA following the course recommended by the Professor) creates defensive alliances. The key word is alliance. Using Churchill's "crocodile" metaphor, the croc is bigger than any of the people who feed it out of fear. It can eat any ONE of them. The solution is for them all together to take on the crocodile, because otherwise the crocodile eats them one at a time. Get it, Einstein?
<<Who said anything about nuking iran?>>
That's what I took from the reference to Iran being turned into ashes. My mistake.
<<However I assure you India/Pakistan and the others would be intimidated if Iran lay in ashes.>>
For sure the other nuclear powers would be alarmed. Some of them would take on the appeasers' role for a time - - feed the crocodile, or the crocodile can turn on you next. Sure. They WOULD be intimidated. But at some point, the realization would dawn on them - - any one of them could receive the same treatment if they pissed off the U.S.A. Alone, there is no protection. Together . . . This is how alliances are formed. Common needs, common fears. Common bullies, common menaces.
<<None of them can match the United States in technology . . . >>
One or two years ago, the head of China's military committed China to achieve technological parity with the U.S.A. in military technology within 15 years. My guess is that in less than 15 years they will achieve parity and then they will surpass the U.S.
<< . . . and would not commit suicide for Iran.>>
You're stating the obvious. They wouldn't commit suicide for anything. OTOH, they would seek a kind of collective security that would guarantee them that they would never have to submit to U.S. nuclear blackmail. That could guarantee that whatever the U.S. wanted from them, they would not end up as the next Iran.
<<But they would not be intimidated long because they would quickly see and actually already know why Iran was targeted.>>
What are they, stupid? They already know why Iran was targeted. Same reason Iraq was targeted. Both had something that the U.S. wanted very badly. You think this is some fucking mystery? Only in America are people so fucking dumb that they don't know why Iraq and Iran are targeted.
<<No they wouldn't [start to think "Who's next?"] because they wouldn't be next.>>
Yeah, obviously not. Didn't Hitler assure Neville Chamberlain that "after the Sudeten German question is settled, that is the end of Germany's territorial claims in Europe?" Where are the guarantees that they wouldn't be next? The word of the President of the USA? A country which cheerfully tore up the Charter of the United Nations which it was a party to in order to get at the oil of Iraq?
<<China is a huge US trade partner and is not talking of "wiping Israel off the map"
<<Same with India and Russia who have astronauts on US Space shuttles.
<<In fact Russia & China would most likely be the biggest benefactors rebuilding Iran once the Terror Mullahs are out of power.>>
If you lived in a neighbourhood where one guy violently assaulted three of your neighbours in a row, one after the other, I think you'd have to be nuts not to be a little afraid of him. I think everyone in the neighbourhood would be afraid of him. He might tell you why he assaulted each of his neighbours: this guy, he had some boarders in his house and they blew up a building on my property and killed some of my family; that guy, he was hiding weapons in his attic and I was afraid he was going to give them to bad crazy people so they could kill me; and that guy, he was trying to build a bomb in his basement. Now, you might think, hey, this guy's all right, we oughtta be friends - - why should I worry, because (a) I don't have any boarders in my home who'd blow up any of his buildings and (b) I don't have any weapons hidden in my attic and (c) I'm not building a bomb in my basement. I would think most people would have a different take on this - - that here is a guy who doesn't hesitate to resort to violence without calling in the police whenever he feels threatened. He's the biggest guy in the neighbourhood, he's got more weapons than anyone else, and yet everyone he attacks, he claims was some kind of threat to him. I think any sane normal person would be scared stiff of this guy - - it's like, Holy Shit, what if he gets the idea that I am fucking with him? What if he wants ME to do something that I don't want to do?
Internationally, I think the U.S. would be seen - - especially if it turned Iran to ashes - - as a threat and a menace. Its excuses for Iran and Iraq are transparently phony. NOBODY would believe them. It would be inevitable that each member of the international community would recognize that the U.S. was no threat to it only for as long as it gave no offence to the U.S. One country, and only one country, could get its way in anything, anywhere, simply by the threat or use of violence. How long do you really think it would take before other countries saw the menace, the intolerability of living in a world where so much power resided in just one country, where the combined strengths of the other countries could overwhelm it?