<<One would hope that ademocratic government could be changed without resorting to mobbing the street.>>
Democratic government? What government are you referring to? Does the U.S. sponsor a puppet government in the Middle East that is a democracy? Because if it does, I'm certainly not aware of it.
Israel a puppet government of the U.S.A.? I think you've got that turned around a little. The U.S.A. is more a puppet of Israel than Israel is of the U.S.A. In any event, this is some democracy -- have you asked the three million West Bank Arabs how they are enjoying their democratic rights?
Q. What's the root problem?
A. [[[[[[[[[[The dissatisfaction and frustration of the common man .]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Wow, what a cop-out. All right, WHAT is the common man dissatisfied and frustrated about?
[<<[[[[[[[[[[[[[No there is no reson to beleive that aggrandisement is intended, except prejudce.]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]>>
History is no reason. Common sense is no reason. Past imperialist predation by the same countries in the same region and even in the same country is no reason. That the passage of a petrochemicals law is a benchmark along the road to U.S. withdrawal is no reason. That the President and Vice-President of the U.S. have been personally involved in the oil industry is no reason. That demand for oil by the U.S., the E.U., China and India is growing much faster than new supplies is no reason. I think I'm starting to see a pattern here. NOTHING that has ever been advanced in support of the proposition will ever be accepted as a reason.
IMHO, the prejudice is YOURS. It is what keeps you from seeing a truth that is painfully obvious to every intelligent, reasonable and unprejudiced observer.
<< . . . but it is a fiction that a lot of people beleive so they die for it.>>
I think maybe what you're trying to say here is that the perception of the reason is more important than the actual reason. I'd agree with that. People live and die for their perceptions. In this case the common perception happens to be the unadulterated truth.
[[[[[[[[[[[[ That is an article of unsupported faith , isn't it?]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
No, as a matter of fact, it is the ONLY logical conclusion that one can draw from the facts of the case. IF one is not prejudiced.