<<The Civil Rights Act etc. were just illustrations of goodness in the face of a far worse fuck-up . . . >>
JUST illustrations of goodness? I certainly hope there weren't too many of those. Seriously, domer, I thought the whole point of your mentioning the CRA and VRA was to show that despite what you persist in calling the "fuck-up" of the Viet Nam War (Jane Fonda and many others called it what it was, not a mistake but a crime) there was a lot of good that came out of LBJ's administration. Wherein lay what you termed the "tragedy."
<< . . . not by any means intended to be read (other than by a political hack of no intellectual distinction) as a judgment on GWB's character . . . >>
Oh please - - once you initiated the comparison between LBJ and Bush, how could anyone help comparing the positive accomplishments of the Johnson administration with the non-stop fuck-ups, unrelieved by any positive accomplishments whatsoever, of the Bush administration? I'm not sure you appreciate the full significance of this clown - - the guy, already known as someone who lied to SEC investigators, with the help of a thoroughly corrupted Supreme Court, steals the election, "negligently permits" (this is the most favourable possible interpretation anyone could possibly put on his role in 9-11) the most devastating outside attack in history on U.S. soil, steals a second election, lies the country into a disastrous war, commits the most outrageous war crimes and atrocities, including torture and murder, since Viet Nam, publicly defends his right to torture, allows the City of New Orleans to fall into the ocean and still has about 16 1/2 months left in his term of office. I wasn't going to mention wiretapping U.S. citizens without warrants, stem cells, Terry Schiavo, tax cuts for the rich, Alberto Gonzalez, "Bring It On," "Mission Accomplished," Jack Abramson and all the rest of it, but what the hell . . .
Usually when one speaks of tragedy, one has to have a tragic figure in mind, great in many respects but tragically flawed in one. Whatever else he might be, Bush is NOT a tragic figure, any more than a turd at the bottom of a toilet bowl is a flawed work of art. He's an all-too-typical southern or south-western American politician of the late 20th century of the Republican persuasion - - a figurehead for the very sinister forces which ultimately will do America in.
I guess you think Lanya earned the "unregenerate partisan bitch of fable" accolade because she punctured your high-flying little balloon, but it was a low blow nevertheless. Why does a perfectly legitimate and politely voiced disagreement with what you said have to spark such a poisonous spray of venom? But thanks for yet another example of what's wrong with today's Democrats - - Democrats like you don't even see the irony in the fact that you're using "unregenerate partisan" as the ultimate insult. There is something afoot in your country that is far worse than "partisanship," my friend.