This is an email from 'American Politics Journal'
Karl Rove Retires. Big Deal!
by Jeff Koopersmith
Monday, 13 August 2007
New York ( -- Karl Rove, one of the greatest thespians to hit
the Washington scene, has announced his disappearance at the end of
My reaction? So what!
This fellow, although just a little smarter than the moron he coached
in the White House, was anything but a genius, and most likely
couldn?t hold a job at a car wash. Much will be made about his years at the
White House ? but the truth is that Rove was only known for one kind
of ?genius? ? the evil kind.
If Vice President Dick Cheney sired a clone it was Karl Rove, the
freaky, invisible creep behind the throne of President George W. Bush,
perhaps the most embarrassing and hated president in United States history.
That fact alone sums up Rove?s ?talent? as a political advisor.
Rove will now join a long and weary line of disgraced White House
staffers who have left or are soon to be exiting 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
News that Rove would depart the office he has dishonored for the past
seven years came in the dead of night on Sunday, buried in a Wall Street
Journal news article that he .
If you polled the inner circle at the White House about Rove, you would
hear descriptions like "genius" - a "big loss," as Dana Perino, the
White House Deputy Press Secretary, sighed.
If you did the same survey among the American people, you would hear
words like "monster," "weird," "Bush's no-brain," and worse.
The fact is that Rove is nothing much more than a porcine Texas cracker
who got lucky when real political genius took over then-Governor
Bush's presidential bid in 1999-2000. Rove was failing, and only Mr. Bush's
daddy was able to convince Bush 43 to set Rove on the sidelines and
let the pros handle the idiot president to be.
Rove, like every moron who leaves the scene of his political crime (for
example, George Stephanopoulos), claims he all-of-a-sudden wants to
spend more time with his family ? but the truth is that he is headed to
a more-than-cushy position in the private sector where he can cash in
on his loyalty to the very worst Americans, and not based on his
brilliance in the political or strategic world. One wouldn't be surprised if
he has decided to take a top job at Halliburton, following in the
footsteps of the even-more-hated Dick Cheney, whom I believe will also be
"stepping out" sooner than later.
If Rove can be lauded for anything, it is for keeping one of American
history?s greatest idiots from being impeached during the second year
of his two terms.
Rove has presided over the most embarrassing terms for any president
since the ink on the Constitution was wet. His "genius" produced the
lowest-all-time F-scores (favorability score, or approval rating) for a
sitting president in history.
The best name his buddy Bush calls him is Turd Blossom. What a perfect
In every way he cost the president everything ? first and foremost,
of course, his reputation. But he cost the American people far more.
I am sitting listening to the morons on early morning CNN (yes, Robin)
talking about Rove as if he were the second coming ? but the truth is
that he is about the nastiest and ugliest man, inside and out, who
deserves to be in federal penitentiary ? not celebrated as the great
architect of the Bush Administration, which in itself is a gut-laughing
Rove allowed ?his President? to be conned by the gutless Dick
Cheney, Mad Magazine Centerfold Donald Rumsfeld, sinister-looking
Neocon-artist Richard Perle, the rest of the fascists who have now crawled under
several moldy rocks scattered quietly around the nation.
Rove allowed Secretary of State Colin Powell to be reduced to a silly
tap dancing puppet who lied to the world about weapons of mass
destruction ? and Powell, so humiliated by his role in the Iraq war, has
hardly been seen since he went missing in disgrace.
To listen to this excremental staffer talk about leaving "for the sake
of his family" is like hearing Hitler talking about committing suicide
for the sake of Eva Braun.
Rove coached the President to feloniously ignore congressional
subpoenas, and did the same himself ? attempting and failing to create a more
powerful White House that could do what it wished without concern over
checks and balances guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
Rove is also a top criminal instrumental in the murder of nearly 4,000
American men and women in the armed services in Iraq, and the deaths
and maiming of 35,000 more ? not to mention a half million innocent
Iraqis who may have not loved Saddam Hussein but did not ante up to be
killed by their fellow countrymen and American soldiers for the past five
years ? and all not only for nothing, but for less than nothing.
I could go on. But to celebrate Karl Rove in any way but at a baseball
dunking booth is a travesty.
Rove should crawl back to Texas with his head hung low and sit in his
back yard, haunted by the horror he leaves in his wake and the total
failure he was for his president and for his country.