Author Topic: Leaving the Sinking Ship  (Read 3957 times)

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Re: Leaving the Sinking Ship
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2007, 12:18:22 PM »
Judged by the event of which we speak, and the responses by the respective sides to it here in this thread, it may not be premature to say that the rout is on.

You mean complaints of how terrible and a disaster Bush is, being made by the left, 2 of which the foaming at the mouth variety, is synonymous to a rout??  Interesting deductive reasoning you've got going there, Domer       :-\
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Re: Leaving the Sinking Ship
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2007, 01:19:40 PM »
>>You must admit that you deserve it, Richpoopoo.<<

There you have it. Knutty admits it. Of course he doesn't have the brains or the brawn to actually carry it out. Can you imagine Knutty knocking on your door at 3 in the morning?  :D BOO!  :D

>>The evidence that the Bushidiot has fucked up the country and the world is everywhere around you from failed bridges to failed wars.<<

 :D Don't forget hurricanes.  :D

>>The only ones that dont see it are the greedy pricks like you that only care about fattening their wallets and themselves.<<

Knutty, if you care so much, why don't you donate what you spend on internet access to the poor? Or can't you you sign over your welfare check?

« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 01:24:47 PM by Richpo64 »

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Re: Leaving the Sinking Ship
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2007, 01:30:50 PM »
knute:  <<Reagan was sort of the demonic John the Baptist to the devil Bush which brought the disaster to fruition.>>

MT:  <<WELL SAID, Knute. >>

Rich:  <<Another perfect example of the blind hatred coming from the leftist/communists. >>

Well, at least you got the "hatred" part of it right.  Considering the numerous crimes and atrocities of this administration, I wouldn't exactly call it "blind" hatred.  "Well-earned" or "well-deserved" are the adjectives that more readily come to mind.   "Blind" I would reserve for the knee-jerk crypto-fascist response to any attack on this fascist icon.

<<None of it is even remotely based in fact. >>

Right.  I DREAMED that Bush started the Iraq War.  In actual fact, first Iraq nuked New York City, then Saddam personally lured Laura to Baghdad and raped her in one of his rape rooms.

<<People, these are the kind of twisted human beings who put people in re-education camps and ship them off to nowhere.>>

Re-ed camp is only for people whose minds can absorb the re-education.  In your case, Rich, we're gonna leave you to babble and drool on street corners to anyone willing to listen.


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Re: Leaving the Sinking Ship
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2007, 05:32:39 PM »
>>Well, at least you got the "hatred" part of it right.  Considering the numerous crimes and atrocities of this administration,<<

When will should we be expecting the indictements?  :D

>>Right.  I DREAMED that Bush started the Iraq War.<<

You must have because he certianly didn't. Should I do a play by play of the vote in Congress and the vote in the UN? I know, no need to, you've got the template and that's enough for you isn't it. Twit.

>>Re-ed camp is only for people whose minds can absorb the re-education.<<

I'm not worried about some limp-wristed Canadian. Besides, I'm armed.  ;)

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Re: Leaving the Sinking Ship
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2007, 05:51:29 PM »
<<When will should we be expecting the indictements?>>

What do indictments have to do with it?  You must have confused the U.S.A. with a nation of laws and principles.

<<You must have [dreamed that Bush started the Iraq War] because he certianly didn't. Should I do a play by play of the vote in Congress . . . ?>>

Why bother?  Why not just tell me who brought the matter up in Congress and whose administration fed them the lies that they needed to go along with the war plans?

<< . . . and the vote in the UN? >>

Uhh, there WAS no vote in the UN because the lying bastard knew they weren't gonna buy into his fucking lies.  So his UN rep never proposed the matter to the Security Council as originally planned.

<<I know, no need to, you've got the template and that's enough for you isn't it.>>

Say I've got the facts and they're enough for me, yeah.  But not for you, apparently.



<<I'm not worried about some limp-wristed Canadian. >>

Speaking of limp-wristed, how are your "boys" doing in Iraq lately?  Funny how they can't seem to make any headway in four years, despite all that humongous advantage in firepower and equipment.  Care to hazard an explanation for this humiliation?

<<Besides, I'm armed. >>

Sorry to hear you're such a 'fraidy-cat.   Who or what are you afraid of?   "Limp-wristed" Canadians?  ;)


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Re: Leaving the Sinking Ship
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2007, 06:01:17 PM »
>>What do indictments have to do with it?  You must have confused the U.S.A. with a nation of laws and principles.<<

That's right, you're a Canadain with penis envy. You accuse the presidet, where's your proof? Where's the indictments? I know, I know, in your bizzarro world all you have to do is say something in and it's true.  Fortunetly for the rest of us proof is required.

>>Why bother?  Why not just tell me who brought the matter up in Congress and whose administration fed them the lies that they needed to go along with the war plans?<<

 :D Oh, that's right. the template. Bush the idiot fooled all those ingenius liberals. Get a fucking clue moron.

>>Uhh, there WAS no vote in the UN because the lying bastard knew they weren't gonna buy into his fucking lies.  So his UN rep never proposed the matter to the Security Council as originally planned.<<

 :D Once again, the idiot Bush fooled them all  :D

>>Speaking of limp-wristed, how are your "boys" doing in Iraq lately?  Funny how they can't seem to make any headway in four years, despite all that humongous advantage in firepower and equipment.  Care to hazard an explanation for this humiliation?<<

There you go Mickey! There's the real colors. We're doing pretty well actually. How many have we killed? 600,000? LMAO!

>>Sorry to hear you're such a 'fraidy-cat.   Who or what are you afraid of?   "Limp-wristed" Canadians? <<

Afraid of you?  :D Man, that's funny.


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Re: Leaving the Sinking Ship
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2007, 06:43:16 PM »
"Why not just tell me who brought the matter up in Congress and whose administration fed them the lies that they needed to go along with the war plans?"

what? You mean like the democrats speaking about Iraq when Bush was still Governor of Texas?
And then later by the CIA Director Bill Clinton appointed that continued to serve under Bush?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 06:47:25 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: Leaving the Sinking Ship
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2007, 06:43:50 PM »
<<That's right, you're a Canadain with penis envy. >>

Gee, you sure seem to mention penis envy an awful lot.  Way more than anyone else in this forum.  You some kind of expert on it or what?  You sure as hell don't have any academic degrees that would qualify you, is all this knowledge of the subject from personal experience?

<<You accuse the presidet, where's your proof? >>

The public record.  Unless you slept through the last five years in a cave, you must have seen this moron and his administration lying their asses off about the "threat" from Iraq and the need for war.  Or were you suffering from some kind of cognitive impairment all that time?

<<Where's the indictments? >>

ROTFLMFAO.  What indictments?  From whom?  From Alberto Gonzalez?  That little crook wouldn't indict Adolf Hitler if Hitler gave $150 to the Republicans.  He'd best be worried about his own indictments in the coming years.  The whole fucking system's corrupt for christ sake.  They'll indict Bill Clinton for a blow job before they indict Bush for war crimes, torture and mass murder.

<<I know, I know, in your bizzarro world all you have to do is say something in and it's true. >>

Blow it out your ass, Richpo.  Everything I said is true and everything you said is ridiculous.

<< Fortunetly for the rest of us proof is required.>>

What "rest of us?"  The last 10% or 20% that are so fucking stupid they still don't know what Bush did?

<<Cheesy Oh, that's right. the template. Bush the idiot fooled all those ingenius liberals.>>

FOOLED them?  Are you fucking nuts?  They KNEW what was going down, they just didn't have the guts to stop it.  Still don't.  All they needed was a fig leaf, an excuse to go along.  THAT'S what the lies were for.

<< Get a fucking clue moron.>>

I've got 'em ALL, pea-brain.  You're the one needs a clue.

<<Once again, the idiot Bush fooled them all [by not bringing his resolution to the Security Council] >> 

Still don't get it, eh, Neanderthal?  I'll explain it again, and this time I'll type real slow.  Bush had proposed to bring a motion before the Security Council to ask for a vote authorizing the use of force.  The night before, realizing that the other members of the Security Council would NOT go along with the motion - - i.e., were NOT going to authorize the use of force - - Bush decided not to put the matter before the Security Council, so that he wouldn't be humiliated by having them vote down the use of force that he had planned to ask them to authorize.  Got it?  So the incident was a case of the idiot Bush (your words) NOT being able to "fool them all" because they saw through his lies and were NOT going to be fooled by them.  Exactly the opposite of what you stated.

<<We're doing pretty well actually. How many have we killed? 600,000? LMAO!>>

So you've spent four years in a Third World nation of only 23 million people, whom you STILL haven't conquered, despite having a total monopoly on airpower and a huge superiority in weaponry and equipment, and you call that "doing pretty well?"  You're hilarious, Rich.  Man, I'd sure hate to see what you consider "doing poorly."  Incidentally since you killed 600,000 and the insurgency is still going full-blast, it would seem that most of your victims aren't combatants at all, but women, children and the elderly.  Again, since you seem so fascinated by the phenomenon of the "limp-wristed," might I ask when your - - uh, boys - -  ever plan on taking on the men of the Iraqi Resistance mano-a-mano, or do they need to do a lot more "wrist strengthening" before they can work up the balls for that job?

<<Afraid of you?  Cheesy Man, that's funny.>>

Well, you must have armed yourself against somebody or something, Rich.  C'mon, tell us, who or what are you afraid of?


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Re: Leaving the Sinking Ship
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2007, 11:46:57 PM »
Ho hum.

I did it again didn't I.

My apologies to the rest of the members. It's an amazing study though. The leftist mind is a twisted thing.

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Re: Leaving the Sinking Ship
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2007, 12:20:04 AM »
Yeah, Richpo, you did it again.  Copped out when you ran out of answers.  And just when it was getting interesting.  I thought I was about to discover why you seemed to be such an expert on penis envy and who or what you were arming yourself against. 

And now, I'll never know.   Awwww, shit.