Talking about radical Islam as a threat against the entire world is exaggerating reality.Do you not read newspapers?
Do you not hear the President of the Islamic Theocracy speaking of "wiping Israel off the face of the earth"?
What would happen to world peace if the President of Iran attempted to do that? Nuclear exchange?
Did you not see the Islamic Thoecracy's proxie Islamic group Hezbollah conduct a war with Israel last summer?
Do you not see security lines at airports all over the world?
Are those security lines due to Christian/Hindu/Buddist recent bombings/killings?
Do you not see governments from every continent spending record amounts for anti-terror measures?
Why are those governmenst spending that kind of money? Threats from Christian, Hindu, or Buddist terror groups?
Do you not see bombings/killings/terror happening every single day carried out by radical Islam killing people in the name of their religion?
It's everywhere, India, Spain, England, The United States, Morocco, Pakistan, Algeria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, The Phillippines, Lebanon, Chechnya, Somalia, Thailand, Indonesia, Yemen, Nigeria, Egypt, France, Turkey, ect ect ect ect ect ect ect ect
How can you even distantly attempt to equate other religions in todays world with this scope and level of violence we see coming from within Islam?