The Professor:
<<Just my feeling, but I sense all this wouldn't make a difference, MT, because you fail to note that the real reason they HATE us is that they are JEALOUS of our success.>>
EXACTLY, Professor, it's "just your feeling." My feeling, for what it's worth, is that they have plenty of good reasons to hate you, as I enumerated. Moreover, Iraqis - - in the days before Uncle Sam egged Saddam Hussein on into attacking Iran in the Iran-Iraq War, had a very good standard of living, with a liberal, secular, Western life-style and all medical and educational expenses paid from cradle to grave. They had little if any reason to envy the U.S.A. for its material success, nor did the Saudis who actually carried out the September 11 attacks.
<<To be honest, I don't think it would matter (if Canada got a bit of whatever evil was directed at America), so long as America gets it primarily, and gets it good. His desire, via his rhetoric, to see heaping upon heaping of misery upon the U.S., by these boys with balls is almost tangible. I'd wager that he's likely going to be one of those jumping up and down in glee, with the next 911 that hits us>>
Lemme see, I've got family in Detroit, Allentown, Washington DC, Seattle, Brookline, Mass., Dallas, Los Angeles, San Diego, friends in Chicago, South Florida, Palm Springs, friends' children in Raleigh NC, NYC and Atlanta, family in Ann Arbor and Jackson Michigan; not counting my two grandchildren, my daughter and her husband in Manhattan. But this fucking moron thinks I'll be jumping up and down with glee when the shit hits the fan. Fuck you, my friend. You need to grow a brain.
I'll jump up and down with glee whenever your military gets the ass-kicking it richly deserves and even more when it finally has to pull out in ignominious defeat with no victory.