MT: "I have given this matter some thought, and IMHO the reason why the Christians have spilt so much innocent blood, all the while painting themselves as "the religion of peace," is because that religion is based on a lie, the lie being the divinity of Christ. They can't stand that others can simply expose the lie for what it is, and since it's a lie, there is no defence other than violence to preserve it intact. The Jews in particular are a living refutation of that lie, since if Jesus supposedly came as THEIR Messiah, their continuing rejection of him proves what utter bullshit the whole thing really is. Which is why the Jews have to be converted (impossible) or physically exterminated (many attempts, all failed.) In the meantime, the ongoing killing, torture etc., nine-tenths of it instituted by Christians, kind of renders ridiculous the idea that Jesus, the Messiah, ushered in a new era of Godliness. You would think that after 2,000 years people would have kind of started to wonder, hey, how can this guy be the Messiah? where's the peace he was supposed to bring? but people are REALLY dumb, so maybe it'll take another 2,000 years of shit before it finally hits them, "well, I guess he wasn't.""
Actually, groups like Jews for Jesus have converted many Jews into Messianic Jews.
And, as you know, it all comes down to faith anyway.
I postulate, MT, that looking at the created versus the Creator is a typcial, if misguided, approach, e.g do you also take excpetion with with what Jesus Christ said, or the actions of His followers?