Found one of the statements, a "last will" and a message read on al-Jazeera by a 9-11 hijacker in a
ante-mortem video, according to the Beeb: al-Haznawi?s last will, read on al-Jazeera:
<<We left our families to send a message, which has the colour of blood, to reach the whole world: the friends and enemies, the near and far, the lofty and humiliated, the honest and the collaborator.
This message says: O Allah, take from our blood today until you are satisfied. O Allah, do not make a grave for our bodies, nor soil to be buried in, nor a tomb to cover them, so that, on the Day of Judgement, they will be blessed with an eternal Paradise - blessed be its Builder. >>
I don't see this as any different from any soldier going into battle on a suicide mission, expecting, even knowing, that he will die. He asks God to accept the sacrifice of his and his buddies' lives and to make a place in heaven for them. Maybe expressed a little more poetically and beautifully than the U.S. "low-hanging fruit" could manage, but not much different in the basic sentiment.
His "statement;"
<<The message says: The time of humiliation and slavery is over.
<<It is time to kill the Americans in their own backyard, among their sons and near their forces and intelligence.
It is time to prove to the whole world that the United States of America has worn a garment, which was not originally made for it, when it merely thought about facing or resisting the mujahideen. >>
This is basically nothing more than saying that the U.S. is too big for its britches. That it needs to be taught a lesson. Again, I wonder how, allowing for the difference between styles of expression, this is all that different from American soldiers speaking for public consumption, of why THEY are in Iraq.
<<The United States is nothing but propaganda and a huge mass of false statements and exaggeration. The purpose of this propaganda was to make the United States big in the eyes of the world. What it wanted has happened.
However, the truth is what you saw. We killed them outside their land, praise be to Allah. Today, we kill them in the midst of their own home. >>
Isn't this just, "They're a bunch of big talkers, bullshit artists. We beat them on our turf and now we beat them on their turf?"
<<O Allah, revive an entire nation by our deaths.>>
Translation: Please God let our sacrifices be an example to the nation.
<< O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr. >>
Translation: Please God, let me go to heaven when I die.
<<O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr. O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr. >>
Just ritual repetition, probably common in their tradition. Americans are always rushing around, they don't have time for repetition.
<<To the Garden of Eden, our first house. We shall meet in the eternal Paradise with the prophets, honest people, martyrs and righteous people. They are the best of companions.>>
We'll meet our loved ones and all the saints in heaven.
<<Praise be to Allah. Allah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you>>
Praise God. God bless you.
Honest to God, I don't see any evidence of "radical Islam" in the will or the statement. Sounds more to me like a religious guy going to his death, praising God and asking for his mercy.