huffpo has a very thoughtful article on the MSM's treatment of this unfolding tragedy, the link to which I reproduced above.
Central to the article is a Jon Stewart comment, that if you want to distract the media from a very important issue, give them a bright shiny object to play with over here, while the real story is over there. According to the huffpo writer, the "bright shiny object" is "Bob" Murray, the folksy, down-to-earth (seemingly) mine operator and the real story is the manipulation of federal regulatory agencies by well-connected mine owners and operators like Murray, who donate REALLY big bucks to the Republican Party.
Here's just a para, but I really recommend the entire article:
<<But we get precious little on the Murray who had
enough political muscle to get a Mine Safety and Health Administration district manager who had cracked down on safety issues at one of Murray's mines reassigned (clearly, contributing $213,000 to Republican candidates over the last ten years, as well as another $724,500 to Republican candidates and causes through political action committees connected to Murray's businesses, has its benefits). The Murray who rails against the United Mine Workers Association, claiming it wants "to damage Murray Energy, Utah American and the United States coal industry for their own motives." The Murray who called Hillary Clinton "anti-American" for saying America needs a president who will fight for workers' rights, and telling a Senate committee this summer that Al Gore and Congressional Democrats are bent on "the destruction of American lives and more death as a result of his hysterical global goofiness with no environmental benefit.">>
Really looks like there are two "Bob" Murrays, and CNN, NYT and the rest of them are only showing good-guy "Bob," "aw-shucks" Bob, etc.
Looks like this guy and the Bush administration once again got away with murder.