I`ve never of any of them doing better in life.
Cynthia Cooper - WorldCom whistle blower - now runs her own consulting firm.
Sherron Watkins - Enron whistle blower - now speaks at business conferences and has published a book about her experiences at Enron.
Coleen Rowley - FBI whistle blower re 9/11 - has retired from the FBI with a full pension and is currently seeking a state level political office in Minnesota.
Shawn Carpenter - Sandia Labs whistle blower - is now working for NetWitness, a startup computer counter-intelligence corporation while he waits for all appeals to conclude to collect his $5 million judgement.
Frederic Whitehurst - FBI whistle blower re lab testing - is now the Executive Director of the Forensic Justice Project.
Joseph C. Wilson - Plame's husband - now manages JC Wilson International Ventures Corporation, a consulting firm specializing in strategic management and international business development.
Need more?