<<I disagree , being against the widening of the definition of marriage to include gays or necrophiliacs or animal sodomizers does not necessarily mean you are against long term relationships between gays.>>
You know and I know that this is not about "widening definitions." The partisans in this battle have never exhibited any previous interest in lexicography and probably never will, apart from this particular controversy. As for necrophiliacs or animal sodomizers, perhaps you had better wait till they actually demand legal marriages before responding to the threat. Oh, my bad! I forgot I was dealing with Republicans - - they invent the threat first, and THEN they "respond" to it.
Oh, and BTW, here's a little freebie for you - - when the awful threat to America and its values DOES materialize, in the form of necrophiliacs demanding marriage with corpses and animal sodomizers demanding marriage with hamsters, keep this in mind: marriage is first and foremost a consensual relationship. Oh, no, please, don't mention it - - you're entirely welcome.
<<Personally i don't have a problem with civil unions. I don't have a problem with committed gay partners receiving the same legal benefits as a hetero couple, though perhaps the best solution is for the state to treat married individuals the same as singles.>>
I think civil unions are a cop-out. The gays want the same treatment as everyone else (the right to marry) not a "special status" for them akin to the "separate but equal" status formerly accorded to blacks in the South. Equal rights means equal status, for a gay half of a gay couple to a straight half of a straight couple. Why invent a whole new status for people based purely on sexual orientation when there is already one (marriage) that will do just fine, thank you?