<<So you don't know how much this "free" health care actually costs you?>>
I do now. It's 16.7% of government revenues, varying by province. Thanks, JS. And the tax brackets vary, I believe the highest earners are in the 53% bracket but I wouldn't bet my life on it. There are so many tax schemes, tax dodges etc. that nobody really pays the percentage that the Income Tax Act allots to them.
<<What percentage of each earned dollar is subject to taxation on your paycheck and do any other sources of taxation like a federal or provincial sales tax goes into the kitty?>>
Federal and provincial sales taxes are very unpopular so they would virtually have to go into health care otherwise how would the government ever defend them? And who the hell counts how much sales tax he or she pays?
<<Sounds to me like your government is hiding the cost per worker of your UHC program. >>
All governments hide the cost of everything. When did YOUR government tell you the truth about what anything costs? Did they tell you how much Iraq was gonna cost?
<<So you don't know how much this "free" health care actually costs you?>>
Fucking right I know. I pay my taxes, have ALL my health-care needs attended to and still manage to live a pretty good life. Good roads, education, policing, public transport, roads and bridges. No I can't figure out what it costs me any more than I can figure out what national defence costs me or Canada's participation in the international trademark and copyright registration system costs me. I don't know what the fucking police cost me, either.
I know somebody I trust like Roy Romanow did an exhaustive study and lent his name to it, and the study concludes that I am getting my money's worth out of it. I know that a bunch of rich greedy scumbags (The Canadian Taxpayers Foundation) say that Romanow's wrong. I trust Romanow and I don't trust the Canadian Taxpayers Foundation. Weird, huh? Maybe you'd like to trust the Taxpayers Foundation instead of Romanow. That's your privilege. Go right ahead. After all, you trusted Bush, didn't you?
As far as CU4's articles are concerned, the "condemnation" of our system by the Supreme Court was by a 5-4 margin and refers to unacceptable wait times. These can be resolved in two ways: private clinics in effect violating existing legislation or raising taxes to pay for more public clinics. The current government for purely ideological reasons has permitted private clinics to operate without withholding federal payments to the provinces in which the clinics are operating. Once again what CU4 is reporting is not the failure of the system but the ideologically-motivated decision of a right-wing government to sabotage the system.