<<In this latest Hez excursion, they were afraid to bomb a few marketplaces to get the scumbags. With this attitude, they WILL LOSE. Too bad, they had such promise too.>>
Sorry, but you've got the wrong attitude. Everything you advocate for them is wrong. But the one thing you need to stop and think about is this: there was one incident where the Jews killed dozens of Lebanese children in one bombing raid. According to you, this was the right thing to do, so they should have pressed on. What did they do instead? CALLED A HALT to all bombing for 24 hours.
Well, the question to consider is why? Why call a halt to something that according to you is the right path? IMHO, they (and their American patrons) were scared shitless. Not of the Hezbollah. They were scared shitless of the reaction in the Arab streets of the capitals of the American puppet states, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia. IF the Israelis had continued with that kind of campaign and the puppet governments just sat on their hands as usual during the slaughter, the streets of those capitals would have exploded. In short order, the U.S. would have lost three client states like they lost Iran. Gone. THAT'S what the Israelis are up against and that's why world opinion is important. The Israelis can get away with all kinds of atrocities - - and they have - - but there are limits. Intelligent people know those limits and respect them.
Your attitude is really fucked up. You should be thinking of ways to accommodate the Arabs and end this pointless dead-end hostility that ultimately will lead to a disaster for Israel. Don't believe me, just look at the numbers. Way better to have those folks as friends helping friends instead of maniacs with bombs. Macho posturing is fun for a while but all of the victims bleed real blood. It's just as much a tragedy for a mother in Baghdad as for a mother in Tel Aviv and the sooner you realize that the more constructive your efforts become.