Must not have polled well at all.
Maybe they saw your posting and thought it should remain part of the "Axis of Evil."
or maybe it is more fundamental than that. Looking at the whole issue..
opening up trade with NK would certainly be the most human thing to do...
yet in doing so you will open up a cash cow for the NK government since all R & D belongs to the government.
The thought of us not launching yet another war with the lunatic that rules NK will make many breath a sigh of relief.
The opportunity to open a new market may bring some relief to an area that is in a terrible financial turmoil would certainly be a plus
and as an election ploy both of those are definitely positive...
but for those struggling along who may not want our government expounding our tax dollars and time and energy (literal) on yet another foreign interest brings another added disappointment with our government.
and all of those thoughts and arguments are tinged with qualia and the dichotomy of not being able to walk a mile in someone's shoes.