sirs argues that if Bush wanted to bring in a fascist state, he could have gone a lot further in that direction. Wouldn't have "held back" as it were. I don't agree.
Of course not. It doesn't fit the template, already concretely founded and not to be dare reconsidered. It's completely illogical for Bush, this Fascist Hitler want to be, NOT to have used his prescious corrupted GOP majority congress to lay the full groundwork for perptual Republican power, before the people had a chance to vote them out of office.
I don't think Bush formulates any of this Patriot Act crap, there are bigger people than Bush, people who have a longer perspective, and they are pretty much attuned to how much they, or a pliant administration, can get away with at any particular time. They are content to plan for longer periods of time than four-year or eight-year administrations. They know what building blocks to lay down from A to Z, and they also know that they can't get it done all at once. Certainly the Bush administration has made giant strides towards a lawless, fascist state and the fact that they didn't go all-out and proclaim a dictatorship does not negate by one bit the progress they have made for fascism.
See?, this is priceless. Completely nameless and meritless claims of fascist building blocks, but since there's nothing concrete to lay claim to, we're just going to blame Bush for that as well. WHAT BLOCK TEE?? The Patriot act was authorized by a VAST majority of congress critters, GOP & Dems alike. It was RE-authorized by a vast majority, and now that the Dems are in the majority have made NO assemblence WHAT-SO-EVER of repealing it, so trying to make this about Bush is so beyond pathetic & transparent. PLEASE, demonstrate for us these newfound laws (building blocks) that prevent its citizens from doing anything before Bush took office. Being made to feel bad or uncomforatble because someone dares criticise you isn't implimentation of a fascist state.
You know, if you want to play this mindless, evidenceless game, I can point to a particular ideological side that absolutely wants things run their way, and apparently have no problem running right over the Constitution, in the process. Our founding fathers established thru its Declaration of Independence & Constitution, a form of Government that makes every effort to LIMIT Federal power. Yet decade after decade, the founding fathers intentions keep getting ignored, when not mutated, with the left rationalizing how the Constitution allows for precisely that, the Fed to take care of everything possible. And the GOP hasn't been innocent in this endeavor either, case in point, the GOP led congress under Bush II. Point being it's the left that cries for MORE Government intervention in everyone's lives. How the GOVERNMENT knows best how to raise and educate your children, how the GOVERNMENT knows better how to spend your money. It's the Left that advocates for Judges to invent new laws helping to perpetuate Government intervention and "oversight", when legialstion has failed or worse, when the people have voted down such efforts.
And now it's the left looking to abolish the electoral college, because they believe the country has reached a point where simple majority will keep getting them elected Democrat Presidents, since the largest populated locations, all urban, pretty much vote Democrat, with very few exceptions. Our founders knew better, they knew that the Presdient of the U.S., needs to represent ALL of America, not just the most densely populated urban areas. Yet the left will argue that the Constitution allows for the people to change it if they wish, whcih it does. By all means, bring about a Constitutional convention, and let's put our money where our mouth is. Let's fully debate that issue. At that time you could also change the 2nd amendment to only allow the Government to own guns, and the 1st amendment, to only allow liberal voices on the radio. Now, who's advocating fascism again?
It stands to reason that in a country whose traditions of freedom and liberty go back over two hundred years, nobody is going to switch it to fascism overnight.
Yet, you'd think after 7yrs there'd be SOMETHING tangible, SOMETHING to lay claim as Nazi-like. Yet.........................................nothing, but empty hyperbolic rhetoric