However, I did arm-wrestle in a friendly manner with a TSA type at the airport. He turned out to be a friend of one of my recruits several years ago. He mentioned how "atrophied" my muscles looked these days (hell, I'm sixty now but can still bench-press 330 thank you!) and I retaliated that he probably hung small ones (I recognized him and he obviously recognized me) so we arm wrestled right there at the baggage screening area (no one else was around). This was at the Wichita airport in off hours.
I have read of much consternation about these TSA screenings, but I have had no problems at all. I take off my shoes and belt and have never had any problems. They all seemed professional to me.
That being the case, I do agree that the concept of profiling is a valid policy in this era we live in. It should be carefully monitoroied by third party inspection teams, of course, but still a valid technique, at least from the little I have read. As one example, due to 9-11, I certainly would single out people who looked suspicious for special observation and that incldues those who "look Middle Eastern." If a terrorist form Figi had committed 9-11, I would be profiling those who "look Pacific Asian".