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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #30 on: October 19, 2006, 12:56:50 AM »
And the example of someone (ANYONE for that matter) being thrown into prison for simply bashing Bush is...........................where again??    ???    Free speech being "under attack" you claimed.  By all means, SHOW US
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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #31 on: October 19, 2006, 01:26:29 AM »
There are more than 1,800,000 sites on the internet, like I said Take your pick. I process hundreds of baker acts every year. I see things you guys don't even know exist. The level of police brutality in this country is sickening and the domestic policy of fascism is a fact that the major medias are afraid to fully expose. I live in the real World and you apparently live in the World of CNN. You know what they Say about mushrooms?


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2006, 01:43:29 AM »
There are more than 1,800,000 sites on the internet, like I said Take your pick. I process hundreds of baker acts every year. I see things you guys don't even know exist. The level of police brutality in this country is sickening and the domestic policy of fascism is a fact that the major medias are afraid to fully expose. I live in the real World and you apparently live in the World of CNN. You know what they Say about mushrooms?

Then by all means, you pick 1, if there's all these hundreds of thousands of sites.  Pick 1 example of someone (ANYONE for that matter) being thrown into prison for simply bashing Bush

Ball in your court
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Michael Tee

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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #33 on: October 19, 2006, 01:44:37 AM »
sirs:  <<And the example of someone (ANYONE for that matter) being thrown into prison for simply bashing Bush is...........................where again??        Free speech being "under attack" you claimed.  By all means, SHOW US>>

These right-wing bullshit artists are so fucking brazen in their lying that no matter how many examples you give them, no matter how many sources you post, they will always come back and have the God-damn balls to post their usual drivel that "without a shred of evidence, Tee claims . . . " and similar dreck to the sample I just posted above in red.

<<By all means, SHOW US . . .>>

Yeah, OK.  Here.  I'll show you.  (Much good it'll do us, in one more post, they'll be claiming again that "the left" makes up wild stuff without a shred of evidence.)  But here, it's easy to show you, what's hard is to get you to admit the truth.

Criticisms of Arrest Tactics and Detentions. Download PDFs of the following major investigative articles critical of police tactics: “Lawyers' Group Sues City Over Arrests of Protesters,” New York Times (Oct. 8, 2004); “Arrests at GOP Convention Are Criticized,” Washington Post (Sept. 20, 2004); “Activists Arrested During GOP Convention Testify Against City, Police,” The New Standard (Sept. 19, 2004); “City Arrest Tactics,” New York Times (Sept. 17, 2004); “Hundreds Detained During RNC Protests,” Rock River Times, IL (Sept. 14, 2004). On Sept. 15 NY City Councilman Bill Perkins held a hearing on the RNC arrests and detentions. Download a PDF of establishment media stories on the hearings (collected by IndyMedia).

I remember the press accounts, actually.  Police arrested HUNDREDS of protestors at the RNC in August of 2004 in NYC.  Try to deny that. You don't have to follow the links unless you're interested, the facts of the story are already well known.  Not that it won't be denied.

Question for sirs in particular:  Don't you have any shame at all?  To lie and say that things we all know have happened and are happening on a massive basis aren't happening?  Do you think you are going to fool somebody into thinking that something they know happened didn't happen, because you say it didn't happen?  What exactly are you trying to accomplish by denying facts that everybody knows are true?  Inquiring minds want to know.


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #34 on: October 19, 2006, 02:07:18 AM »
sirs:  <<And the example of someone (ANYONE for that matter) being thrown into prison for simply bashing Bush is...........................where again??        Free speech being "under attack" you claimed.  By all means, SHOW US>>

These right-wing bullshit artists are so fucking brazen in their lying that no matter how many examples you give them, no matter how many sources you post, they will always come back and have the God-damn balls to post their usual drivel that "without a shred of evidence, Tee claims . . . " and similar dreck to the sample I just posted above in red.  Yeah, OK.  Here.  I'll show you.  (Much good it'll do us, in one more post, they'll be claiming again that "the left" makes up wild stuff without a shred of evidence.)  But here, it's easy to show you, what's hard is to get you to admit the truth.

Who the hell is denying that protesters getting completely out of hand aren't arrested for obviously disturbing the peace & for unlawful protesting.  Try some examples of people who are simply rounded up for Bashing Bush.  that is the current issue & claim at hand.  Come on, I dare ya.  There'd be your example of "attack on free speech"

Ball in your court
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #35 on: October 19, 2006, 02:21:19 AM »
Why do you insist on embarrassing yourself?  Don't you know how EASY it is to find this stuff?

From the Washington Post:

Arrests at GOP Convention Are Criticized
Many in N.Y. Released Without Facing Charges

By Michael Powell and Michelle Garcia
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, September 20, 2004; Page A01

But farther downtown on the same day, [Aug. 31, 2004] the War Resisters League, a decades-old pacifist group, was readying a peaceful march from Ground Zero to Madison Square Garden,
where it intended to conduct a civil disobedience "die in."
A video provided by the New York Civil Liberties Union shows police commanders
laying out the ground rules: As long as protesters did not block traffic, they would not
get arrested during the walk north. (No permit is required for a march on a sidewalk as
long as protesters leave space for other pedestrians to pass.) Within a block or two,
however, the video shows marchers lined up on the sidewalk, far from an intersection, as a police officer announces on a bullhorn: "You're under arrest."

"They came with batons, bicycles, they came with netting," said the Rev. G. Simon
Harak, a Jesuit priest. "The kind of forces you expect to be turned on terrorists was
unleashed on us."
Police arrested 200 people, saying they had blocked the sidewalk.

About the same time Tuesday, several other groups of protesters started walking two
abreast from Union Square, the city's historic protest soapbox, to Madison Square
Garden. However, several demonstrators say -- and photographs show -- that police
soon stopped them, asked them to raise their hands and arrested them.


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #36 on: October 19, 2006, 02:34:59 AM »
Speaking of embarrasing one's self, can you show us where they were imprisoned for Bashing Bush, vs the city's/Police's claim they were indeed blocking the sidewalks?? (again in reference to protesters getting out of hand)  Again, that is the crux of the issue at hand.  I mean, it would really bolster yours & Larry's currently pathetic arguement if you could find JUST 1 FRELLIN EXAMPLE of the Fed rounding up some devoted Brass-like Bush basher.

I'm trying to help ya here, but you insist on making this about mass protesting.  The claim is "attack on free speech"  Dealing with mass protesters at mass rallies is not "attacking free speech".  Dealing with the likes of folks like Larry, Lanya, Brass, Tee, Terra, etc, and shutting them up would be "an attack on free speech".  Do you have 1.........just 1 example??
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #37 on: October 19, 2006, 02:38:57 AM »
Here's another article, later on, showing what happened to all those charges against <<protesters [who got] completely out of hand . . .  arrested for obviously disturbing the peace & for unlawful protesting. >>  

Scratching my head, wondering where do you get this outrageous bullshit, these total fantasies, products of diseased, drugged-out Republican hacks like Rush Limbaugh?  Who plants these falsehoods in your brain so firmly that you not only believe them but rush to deride anyone who tries to tell you what crap it all is?

Turns out, not only do the cops LIE THEIR FUCKING ASSES OFF about the "wild, out of control" demonstrators, they actually doctor their own videotapes to falsely convict them [but are too fucking dumb to destroy all copies of the original tapes.]  Just read the story, sirs:

Videos expose false arrests at 2004 Republican Convention protests in New York
By Peter Daniels
19 April 2005

Seven months after the mass arrests of over 1,800 protesters at the Republican Convention in New York City last summer, 91 percent of the nearly 1,700 cases that have been concluded have resulted in acquittals or the dismissal of charges. Four hundred cases were dismissed after video recordings made by volunteer observers and others showed that there was no reason for the arrests, the New York Times reported last week. Some of the videos also exposed false testimony by the police.
In the case of Dennis Kyne, arrested on the steps of the New York Public Library last August, police officer Matthew Wohl testified at trial last December that “we picked him up and we carried him while he squirmed and screamed. I had one of his legs because he was kicking and refusing to walk on his own.”
Wohl’s colorful description was apparently made up. Kyne’s attorney showed the court a videotape showing his client walking down the steps of the library, not being carried and not kicking. The tape in addition showed that Wohl, who also signed complaints against four other protesters arrested at the time, was not present during any of the arrests. The charges against Kyne were immediately dropped. Four months later, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office now says it is reviewing Wohl’s account, but the cop is not expected to face any penalty for his false testimony, which in all likelihood is part of the police department’s modus operandi in cases of mass arrests.
In another case, which took far longer to reach a conclusion, Alexander Dunlop was arrested on Second Avenue and charged with resisting arrest. Dunlop said he was not even a participant in the protest, but was seized by the police as part of a tactic of clearing the streets and intimidating demonstrators. Only recently did Dunlop discover that the official police videotape, which was to be introduced as evidence against him, had been edited to remove images that showed he never resisted arrest. A volunteer found a more complete version of the tape, and prosecutors agreed earlier this month to drop the charges, claiming improbably that a technician had accidentally cut just those parts of the tape that exonerated the defendant.
These two cases are only the most prominent among many. New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) president Donna Lieberman said that videotape evidence had led to the dropping of charges against 227 people arrested at an August 31 demonstration at the World Trade Center site. “The camera is a powerful tool that has enabled us not just to exonerate individuals, but hold police accountable and document serious wrongdoings,” said Lieberman. Much of the video was assembled by I-Witness Video, a project that coordinated filming by hundreds of volunteers and worked with the National Lawyers Guild to reveal what actually took place during the arrests.
As far as New York City’s billionaire Republican Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly are concerned, however, the latest revelations are no cause for embarrassment. Bloomberg told the press that the police “did a spectacular job...We had seven or eight hundred thousand people marching and only a few hundred got arrested.”
Kelly even claimed that the videos “are very beneficial to us” because they supposedly show police restraint. No doubt the police were instructed to avoid merciless beatings (although there are numerous accounts of less obvious abuses, particularly in the treatment after arrest), but their discipline was for the purpose of carrying out an unconstitutional suppression of the right of free speech and assembly. Christopher Dunn of the NYCLU declared, “As the videos demonstrate, hundreds of people were arrested during the convention while engaged in entirely lawful protest activity. The fact is, the department used mass arrests as a tactic to stop demonstrations. If the mayor wants to defend that, that’s his prerogative. We think it’s indefensible.”
In a related development, a legal case arising from the conditions under which those arrested at the Republican Convention were held was settled last week, with the city paying $231,000 in legal fees and a small fine, in exchange for protesters dropping charges of criminal contempt against the city. The settlement gives 108 plaintiffs a token amount of $150 each, or a total of $16,200, with the rest going to legal fees to the Legal Aid Society and the National Lawyers Guild. Those arrested and held incommunicado for 48 hours and longer under filthy and abusive conditions can still file civil suits, and 570 notices of claim totalling $859 million have been filed.
The case arose after State Supreme Court Justice John Cataldo found the city in contempt for failing to bring those arrested into court within 24 hours, or else releasing them. The tactic was a transparent attempt to intimidate dissent and keep protesters off the street during the Republican Convention. “It was the worst performance by the police I had ever seen in my 30 years,” said one Legal Aid Society lawyer. “The courts were fully staffed and were essentially empty of defendants.” With the contempt charge due to come up within days, City Hall apparently decided to settle rather than generate additional publicity about the techniques of the police department in a year in which Bloomberg is running for reelection.
The mayor has little to fear from any of his prospective Democratic opponents on this issue, however. None of them, including City Council President Gifford Miller or former Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer, made any comment on the latest revelations of police repression and official misconduct.
The mass arrests last summer were by no means an exceptional occurrence in connection with mass protest in New York City. In the past 10 to 15 years, there has been a major shift in police strategy. While mouthing phrases about guarding the right to protest peacefully, the authorities have steadily worked to make it difficult and sometimes virtually impossible. In the mass demonstrations called in February 2003, on the eve of the invasion of Iraq, hundreds of thousands were prevented from participating and numerous arrests were made.
The fact is—despite the sanctimonious claims of politicians like Bloomberg—the rights of assembly and protest are far more circumscribed today in New York than they are in many other parts of the world. Bloomberg’s continuing defense of the police conduct last summer is an indication that the only lesson the authorities will draw from the latest revelations is the need to cover their tracks more carefully in the future.


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #38 on: October 19, 2006, 02:46:19 AM »
Off course, a delusional neo-con, would not find anything wrong with rounding up citizens by the hundreds and putting them in jail for protesting, to be . Off course a true neo-con would not question the Bush Administrations "New And Improved Version Nazi Policies." Off course a true neo-con would see nothing wrong with swat teams and special ops, they have a new identity, they're not gestapo anymore.

Last week, I stood in my front yard and watched the helicopters buzzing overhead. I could see dozens of police cars parked on the road. I watched a swat team perform its military maneuvers. They were after one man. They fired 110 rounds at him and hit him with 68 rounds. The man had killed a cop and the Gestapo mentality was put on parade as a result. The neo-con believe America is a safer place under the neo-con policies and practices. The neo-con want to convert the conservatives and they did just that to George W. Bush. Enjoy the illusion while you can. The days of the neo-con coming to a showdown with the people of America. A voters revolt is just days away.


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #39 on: October 19, 2006, 02:48:00 AM »
Here's another article, later on, showing what happened to all those charges...Turns out, not only do the cops LIE THEIR FUCKING ASSES OFF about the "wild, out of control" demonstrators, they actually doctor their own videotapes to falsely convict them [but are too fucking dumb to destroy all copies of the original tapes.]  Just read the story,

So, your big beef is that the local cops lied.........OMG, let's impeach Bush

Seriously though, either you or Larry ever going to address the question/claim??  You know, the part about Bush/Fed "attacking free speech"?  Don't worry, I won't hold my breath
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #40 on: October 19, 2006, 02:53:35 AM »
<< . . .  can you show us where they were imprisoned for Bashing Bush, vs the city's/Police's claim they were indeed blocking the sidewalks?? >>

Sure.  The article I just posted - - 91% of the charges were dropped.  The videos used against them were faked.  The police lied (which was exposed because the dumb fucking cops were too stupid to destroy the original copies of the tapes they doctored.)  So - - WARNING! - - this calls for a little logic and reasoning, sirs, let's see if you can follow it:

The police claim these demonstrators were blocking the sidewalk.  The demonstrators deny it.  The police build their case up with faked videotapes but the real ones are found which prove the police were lying.

NOW:  As between the demonstrators who deny blocking the sidewalks and the cops who say they were (but dropped charges against 91% of the 1700 people arrested) who ya gonna believe?
(a) the authorities who first charged the demonstrators with blocking sidewalks, then arrested them and then backtracked by not prosecuting AND faked videotapes to convict them AND were caught lying when the original tapes surfaced?  or (b) the demonstrators, who always maintained that they were innocent and never backtracked on it, who never faked any videotapes to prove their case and were never caught lying about what happened?

(That was a rhetorical question.  sirs, of course, believes . . . the POLICE!!!   Naturally.  sirs always believes the police.  Becasue they never lie.  It's really simple in sirs' simple little world.  Police never lie, anti-American unpatriotic demonstrators always do.  Don't need no videos, tapes, nuthin.  And don't ever - - ever! - - confuse him with fact or logic.)

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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #41 on: October 19, 2006, 02:59:59 AM »
<<So, your big beef is that the local cops lied.........OMG, let's impeach Bush

<<Seriously though, either you or Larry ever going to address the question/claim??  You know, the part about Bush/Fed "attacking free speech"?  Don't worry, I won't hold my breath >>

Are you totally insane?  I just showed you a case where almost 2,000 Americans were arrested and locked up for expressing anti-Bush opinions on the lying pretext that they were "blocking sidewalks" and you are asking for an example of just one person thrown in the slammer for Bush-bashing?

I've just given you almost TWO THOUSAND EXAMPLES of people going to jail for Bush-bashing.  And just as I predicted, you are asking, "So?  Where is your example?"

I don't get it, sirs.  Who exactly do you think you are fooling here?


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #43 on: October 19, 2006, 03:15:32 AM »
Just another touch of surrealistic humour.  "Seriously, though" 

sirs actually begins one of his insane surrealistic arguments with the words, "Seriously though."

No, really:

<<Seriously though, either you or Larry ever going to address the question/claim??  [the question being, where is one example of just one person put in jail for "Bush-bashing"]  You know, the part about Bush/Fed "attacking free speech"? >>

1700 or 1900 people attempting to protest against Bush (can't remember the exact number) thrown in the slammer for "blocking the sidewalk" in a BLATANT case of police lying, and here is sirs still asking for a single example of this happening anywhere in America.  "Seriously though"  I can't believe I'm even engaging in a dialogue like this.

Seriously though . . . I'm gonna get some sleep.


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #44 on: October 19, 2006, 03:15:52 AM »
Why is Ted Rall still loose?

There are a lot of people who have been uncomplimentary to the President , in print even.

How effectively are they being repressed?

Arrests at demonstrations are de rigueur are they not?