<<Naaa, the convincing part is when you actually claim a Bush lie, I'm able to torpedo it out of the water with the actual facts. Done it many a time. I have no problem doing it some more. >>
Actually, you haven't done it once. But don't let a simple fact get in the way of your ranting bullshit.
<< I get great pleasure out of myself>>
sirs, I would not want to get into a debate with you about what gives you pleasure. You're the sole acknowledged expert in that field.
I take a lot of time and trouble to demolish bullshit from conservative sites, line by line if I have to.
<<Oh, I concede you absolutely get very wordy in your warped OPINIONS of why you believe the facts are not actually the facts. >>
Thank you. It is a somewhat different technique than dismissing a post as "boatload of lies" or making the unsupported claim that "I torpedoed it out of the water," and somewhat more difficult to learn. It's called "debate."
<< Your perfection of moral relatavism and rationalization is perhaps unmatched>>
Oh no, it's overmatched by the Bush administration and its supporters. I won't go back over the numerous examples of their moral relativism that I recently posted, but it's something that's been noted and commented upon in every corner of the globe. Younger followers of the Bush administration might be forgiven for believing that they invented moral relativism.
<<ROFL, as opposed to finding 1 big nebulous Bush lied web site, and claim "taa daaaa" >>
Maybe you should look up the definition of a big word such as "nebulous" before using it. There was nothing at all nebulous about the "Bush Lies" website, in fact the reason I posted it was its specificity in identifying precisely, by actual words, date and context of each and every Bush lie. And you know, credit where credit is due and all that - - there were so many Bush lies to be documented.
<<But to placate the masses, by all means, initiate another thread....title it, Bush lie on Iraq #1. Make it a goodie. >>
Nah. Bin there. Done that. Pretend all you like that it's "insubstantial" or "nebulous" or whatever your flavour of the month happens to be. It has Bush nailed. Your two-bit adjectives can't change the facts and logic of the site, but of course it's your choice whether you want to make an honest admission that they nailed Bush or continue to blather on about how meaningless and false the whole thing is and how many times you've "torpedoed it right out of the water." Dream on, sirs.
<<Then when I have some time, either myself or any other rationally minded person, will yet again show it for the lie of an accusation that it is>>
Don't bother. It would be easier for me to dredge through the archives and find all the bullshit you've previously posted in your frantic efforts to debunk known facts.