Author Topic: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.  (Read 30876 times)

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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #60 on: October 19, 2006, 10:50:58 PM »

Cop killing CANNOT be condoned or anarchy reigns, neocons or not.

Doesn't that depend on the cops and the situation? Take Cory Maye: he was asleep; police burst into his home at night; he never heard the cops announce themselves; and to protect his daughter against an intruder, Cory Maye got his gun and shot a man he would not until later know was a cop. Are you going to tell me Cory Maye deserves to be gunned down?
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Michael Tee

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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #61 on: October 19, 2006, 11:29:18 PM »
<<Still fantasizing again [that Bush lied to get the American people behind his plan to invade Iraq]  I see.  And you don't even have the excuse of being overtly tired this time.  Pity>>

sirs, you're probably gonna be the last guy in America to realize the plain obvious truth.  Bush lied and by now most people know it.  They don't need any excuses for what they know and I don't need any excuses for what I know.

But I have to admit - - I am curious.  What's your excuse for your inablility to draw the most obvious conclusions from plain facts?

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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #62 on: October 19, 2006, 11:43:41 PM »
According to wikipedia, the Nuremburg laws (named for the Nazi Party rallies that took place in Nuremburg around the same time the laws were passed) were separate laws dealing with separate subjects.  The two that from the article are most closely aligned with the rally were the law forbidding racial mixing and the law depriving Jews of their German citizenship.  Following the article, it was impossible to determine which "Nuremburg law," if any, actually deprived the Jews of their property or even if any law was ever passed with that objective.  Of course, Jews were being forced out of business by a variety of pressures, such as boycotts, fines, etc. and this might have been the result of a government policy which did not require specific legislation.  Here's the article

The Nuremberg Laws were passed around the time of the great Nazi rallies at Nuremberg; on September 15, 1935 the "Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor" was passed, preventing marriage between any Jew and non-Jew. At the same time, the "Reich Citizenship Law" was passed and was reinforced in November by a decree, stating that all Jews, even quarter- and half-Jews, were no longer citizens of their own country (their official title became "subjects of the state"). This meant that they had no basic citizens' rights, e.g., the right to vote. This removal of basic citizens' rights allowed harsher laws to be passed in the future against Jews. The drafting of the Nuremberg Laws is often attributed to Hans Globke. Globke had studied British attempts to 'order' its empire by creating hierarchical social orders.

In 1936, Jews were banned from all professional jobs, effectively preventing them having any influence in education, politics, higher education, and industry. There was now nothing to stop the anti-Jewish actions that spread across the Nazi-German economy.

After the "Night of the Long Knives," the SS became the dominant policing power in Germany. Heinrich Himmler was eager to please Hitler, and so willingly obeyed his orders. Since the SS had been Hitler's personal bodyguard, they were even more brutal and obedient to Hitler than the SA had been. They were also supported by the army, which was now more willing to comply with Hitler's decisions than when the SA had still existed.

Hitler now had more direct control over the government and political attitude to Jews in Nazi Germany. In the period 1937 to 1938, harsh new laws were implemented, and the segregation of Jews from the German "Aryan" population began. In particular, Jews were punished financially for their "race."

On March 1, 1938, government contracts could not be awarded to Jewish businesses. On September 30 of the same year, "Aryan" doctors could only treat "Aryan" patients. Provision of medical care to Jews was already hampered by the fact that Jews were banned from being doctors or having any professional jobs.

On August 17, Jews had to add "Israel" (males) or "Sarah" (females) to their names, and a large letter "J" was to be imprinted on their passports on October 5. On November 15, Jewish children were banned from going to public schools. By April 1939, nearly all Jewish companies had either collapsed under financial pressure and declining profits, or had been persuaded to sell out to the Nazi-German government, further reducing their rights as human beings; they were, in many ways, effectively separated from the German populace.


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #63 on: October 19, 2006, 11:49:29 PM »
Slowly or rapidly , what is supposed to be the simularity to the here and now?


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #64 on: October 20, 2006, 12:01:55 AM »
The two that from the article are most closely aligned with the rally were the law forbidding racial mixing and the law depriving Jews of their German citizenship.

It was the latter law. By the end of that year (law was passed on 1935/09/15) all public servant positions that were filled with Jews were required to have the Jews removed and replaced with "real" citizens.

In early 1936, they were also banned by an addition to that law from holding "professional" positions, so those who were, say, lawyers or doctors had their businesses taken away from them by the state.

This can be determined by reading the laws.

And this conversation came to this turn when I asked for the wording in the new law signed by Bush that eliminates habeas corpus. I have yet to see that quote presented here by those who purport it's existence.
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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #65 on: October 20, 2006, 01:22:51 AM »
sirs, you're probably gonna be the last guy in America to realize the plain obvious truth.  Bush lied and by now most people know it.  They don't need any excuses for what they know and I don't need any excuses for what I know.

Yet with that continued AMBE, the facts say otherwise.  Go figure.  Best you could do was point to some anti-Bush website and claim "see, there's your smoking gun for Bush lies".  That'd be analogus to me pointing to the RNC as the end all to all facts as it relates to the truth of Bush.  As long as it made you feel better though. 
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Michael Tee

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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #66 on: October 20, 2006, 01:52:21 AM »
<<Yet with that continued AMBE, the facts say otherwise.  Go figure.  Best you could do was point to some anti-Bush website and claim "see, there's your smoking gun for Bush lies". >>

That WAS the smoking gun for Bush lies.  All the lies collected in one place.  The inferences unmistakeable that Bush lied repeatedly.  As often as I dig up these sites, you will continue to simply deny their validity. 

 <<That'd be analogus to me pointing to the RNC >>

Whether you pointed to the RNC, the Bible, the Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas or the Communist Manifesto, my response would be the same - - I'd review the facts found in the source, affirm or deny them and see whether the conclusions were logical and made sense or not.

Your approach, on the other hand, is to skitter away in panic from any acknowledgment of the facts or logic of the "Bush Lied" web-sites and merely assert that the sites themselves are unworthy of belief for whatever silly reason you find handy - - they are "anti-Bush" or whatever.  Well, I'm sorry sirs - - if you want to convince anyone that those sites are unreliable, you will have to show where they got their facts wrong or where their logic is faulty.  Which you can't do for two reasons, (1) they got all their facts and logic right and (2) you never read the sites anyway.

<<As long as it made you feel better though. >>

Exposing the lies and bullshit of the conservative movement always makes me feel better, sirs, but more importantly, if it helps even one person avoid falling for that load of poisonous crap, it makes me feel like I've made a very small contribution to a much better world.


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #67 on: October 20, 2006, 02:03:44 AM »
That WAS the smoking gun for Bush lies

No, it was a boat load of lies about Bush lies, or more accurately blatant distortions, whey they weren't outright lying

As often as I dig up these sites, you will continue to simply deny their validity.  

When they come from obvious non-objective partisan sites, absolutely.  You would to

I'd review the facts found in the source, affirm or deny them and see whether the conclusions were logical and made sense or not

 :D   I needed a good chuckle

Your approach, on the other hand, is to skitter away in panic from any acknowledgment of the facts or logic of the "Bush Lied" web-sites and merely assert that the sites themselves are unworthy of belief for whatever silly reason you find handy

Not even close.  My "approach" is to demonstrate where lies about Bush lies, are in themselves lies.  I use a plethora of reports, and conclusions from a myriad of bi-partsain commissions and inspectors assigned to assess the whole concept of how the intel was handled, WMD, etc.

Exposing the lies and bullshit of the conservative movement always makes me feel better, sirs, but more importantly, if it helps even one person avoid falling for that load of poisonous crap, it makes me feel like I've made a very small contribution to a much better world

LOL.....yea poniting to some National-Enquirer-like anti-Bush web site, as your "proof" of Bush lies, puts a smile on my face as well.  By all means, continue
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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #68 on: October 20, 2006, 02:16:10 AM »
<<No, it was a boat load of lies about Bush lies, or more accurately blatant distortions, whey they weren't outright lying>>

LOL.  More of same.  sirs "proves" something is wrong by calling it a "boatload of lies" and leaving it at that.  Convincing.  Not.

<<When they [proof of Bush's lies] come from obvious non-objective partisan sites, absolutely [I simply deny their validity.]  You would too.>>

Well, no, actually.  I take a lot of time and  trouble to demolish bullshit from conservative sites, line by line if I have to. 

<<I needed a good chuckle>> [said after I pointed out that I review the facts found in the source, affirm or deny them and see whether the conclusions were logical and made sense or not]

Well that's understandable.  If your standard debating tactic is just to deny every inconvenient fact as "a boatload of lies" I could see how you would find a more reasoned approach to be hilarious.

<<I use a plethora of reports, and conclusions from a myriad of bi-partsain commissions and inspectors assigned to assess the whole concept of how the intel was handled, WMD, etc.>>

Translation:  I find whatever RNC/Heritage Foundation whitewash is currently on-line and paste it in, hoping desperately that nobody will ever bother to read it carefully and point out the absolute asininity of the whole thing.

<<LOL.....yea poniting to some National-Enquirer-like anti-Bush web site, as your "proof" of Bush lies, puts a smile on my face as well.  >>

Translation:  Hey I just found a new adjective (National-Enquirer-like) that I can slap onto any article on the web that provides irrefutable proof that Bush lied and I'm still not gonna have to answer any of those arguments at all.



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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #69 on: October 20, 2006, 02:24:52 AM »
More of same.  sirs "proves" something is wrong by calling it a "boatload of lies" and leaving it at that.  Convincing.  Not.

Naaa, the convincing part is when you actually claim a Bush lie, I'm able to torpedo it out of the water with the actual facts.  Done it many a time.  I have no problem doing it some more.  I get great pleasure out of myself

I take a lot of time and  trouble to demolish bullshit from conservative sites, line by line if I have to. 

Oh, I concede you absolutely get very wordy in your warped OPINIONS of why you believe the facts are not actually the facts.  Your perfection of moral relatavism and rationalization is perhaps unmatched

Translation:  I find whatever RNC/Heritage Foundation whitewash is currently on-line and paste it in, hoping desperately that nobody will ever bother to read it carefully and point out the absolute asininity of the whole thing.

ROFL, as opposed to finding 1 big nebulous Bush lied web site, and claim "taa daaaa"     :D      But to placate the masses, by all means, initiate another thread....title it, Bush lie on Iraq #1.  Make it a goodie.  Then when I have some time, either myself or any other rationally minded person, will yet again show it for the lie of an accusation that it is
« Last Edit: October 20, 2006, 03:31:50 AM by sirs »
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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #70 on: October 20, 2006, 04:42:59 AM »
A very large number of accusations is no more proven than a small number of accusations .

A huge Website of "Bushes Lies " can be just as incorrect as a single false accusation.

If you accept all accusations uncriticly because you want to beleive them , you do not judge well.

Why don't you pick your favoriate one or two "Bush Lies " and tell why you consider them to be genuine accusations ?

If you don't ,you just leave us free to pick OUR favoriate one or two gross distortions so that we can show them to be rediculous and discredit the whole website.


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #71 on: October 20, 2006, 04:48:56 AM »

Do you suppose that a case could be made on the charges of blocking traffic?


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #72 on: October 20, 2006, 04:56:34 AM »
"Larry has done a fine job of posting a link to the text of a statute that attacks freedom of speech.  If you can't read or understand that text, if you can't figure out how that statute can inhibit or penalize the exercise of free speech, then I would say that is your problem, there is nothing that I or anyone else in the group can do to get you to admit that - - in all simplicity - - the statute says what it says and permits what it permits."


So you couldn't see it either?


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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #73 on: October 20, 2006, 05:07:56 AM »

I would expect my trial , were I ever to fall into the hands of the Al Quieda, to be short and the sentance would be to shorten my stature by a head.

Do you really consider her abettment amd mine to be equivelent?

If I fell into the hands of Al Queda I would argue that those killings I have abetted were scumbags ?

This would lighten my sentence?

Are you suggesting we should base how we punish someone on how al-Qaeda would punish someone? Maybe you're not suggesting that, but I am having trouble understanding why how al-Qaeda might treat you has any bearing how the American courts should treat Lynne Stewart.

Well, if her action was really equivelent to assistance of the enemy in its war effort , then her sentance is rediculously light  , You may not think that her action was treason but MT seems to think it was.

Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2006, 09:31:50 PM »     

<<Is my question hard to answer?>>

Evidently not, since you just answered it yourself. 

If her phone call to Egypt resulted in anyone getting killed, they would be people who, in the service of the cause that she supports, should have been killed.

Just as you enthusiastically support the killing of the enemies of your cause, so she (I would presume) with equal enthusiasm would support the killing of the enemies of hers.

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Re: U.S. Attorney Gets 28 months Prison For Aiding terrorist.
« Reply #74 on: October 20, 2006, 08:19:55 AM »

Well, if her action was really equivelent to assistance of the enemy in its war effort , then her sentance is rediculously light  , You may not think that her action was treason but MT seems to think it was.

Okay, but what has that to do with how al-Qaeda might treat you?
« Last Edit: October 20, 2006, 12:08:44 PM by Universe Prince »
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--