Thne you have been desensatized too much. Public displays of this nature cheapen the real love people have for one another and are crass and tacky. The problem is that concept of public decency has shifted, in the wrong direction! If you think otherwise, then the politcal correctors have nailed your skinny butt!
Guess it comes from a combination of having been raised by European parents and living in several third-world nations. Public nudity is no big deal, and I even witnessed several women in Nigeria giving birth in public.
Sex in front of others was the mainstream for most of humanity's history. It was only when the Puritans and others of similar mind got the thought that is was somehow dirty that it became thought of as crass and tacky.
Just like the so-called "problem of teen pregnancy" - teens were considered old enough to have children and become parents at 14, 15 or so for virtually all of human history. It was only recently that it was became "bad" for some reason.