Actually, I got it both the 1st & 2nd times, but apparently you haven't yet accepted the concept that your theories falls flat with,
a) the notion we're in an old fashion war with old fashion labels that must be adhered to
b) the notion that the Government's primary roll is simply to "protect people's rights"
and in repeat response;
A) We have a new type of enemy on a global battle field, that require new tactics in order to deal with them. They still are enemy combatants taken off the battlefield indefinately, just as prisoners in previous wars were. But since they are not representative of any government, follow any form of uniformed military code, and follow zip adherence to any Geneva Convention statutes, by definition doesn't give them POW status, per the Geneva Convention
B) People's rights in this country can NOT be protected without protecting the country 1st. Rights under our Constitution mean squat if we're being occupied by another nation. It doesn't get any simpler than than, no mttaer how much you try