You are entirely incorrect. You are subscribing to the recent revisionist theology that states that ethnic background and other factors define "race". This is simply incorrect. Ethnicity and Race are often used interchangeably although such use is incorrect and often results in people talking past one another.
Humans are divided into races as determined by scientific, not social. criteria, primary being skull size and shape. Skulls are thus be divided into 4 main human races:
Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid & Australoid
Therefore, following this train of thought, a social entity such as a tribe or a nation or any subgroup cannot be defined as a race in tis itself, therefore your statement is inaccurate. Calling Arabs "names" cannot convert you into a racist. Making derogatory comments about a super group such as mongoloid can.
Following this analysis, you have been unduly influenced by 20th century revisionists, a typical foilable in the PC world we live in.