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home school question
« on: September 10, 2007, 02:28:16 AM »
today I visited some friends and play with thier 2 kids
they got the most normal and decent childhood I can imagine
a dog and a cat live in big piece of land to run around and eat plum,pears and plum off trees
and have a creek run through it which salmon actually jump evety once in awhile
they hunt crawdad once in awhile and have feet so tough they walk on gravel all the time.
these are great kids
but yesterday was with another family playing with thier kids
home schooled
the youngest is older than the first 2 I mentioned but talks at a much younger level
can lack of talking to other kids stunt verbal skills?
the 1st 2 kids talk much better than him.


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Re: home school question
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2007, 12:25:53 PM »
Don't know.

One of my daughter-in-laws is homeschooling her two using a difficult curriculum called Abeka. The children are estimated, via standard testing, to be two grade levels above their peers. And, she keeps them involved in church and sports acitvities.
They do not seem to have any problems communicating, either.


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Re: home school question
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2007, 02:03:37 PM »
Home schooling depends entirely on the home. With access to the Web, a conscientious parent should be able to provide an excellent education for their child.

This does not mean that they do. Most fundie parents will certainly not bother much with any modern biology course, or geology course, or perhaps astronomy or physics, either.

 I doubt that the average homeschooled child has learned as much as thee average public school child. But there is no way to know this.

I imagine that the average fundie kid will be able to outperform the average gypsy kid, but compared with an Amish kid, I am not so sure.
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Re: home school question
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2007, 02:06:25 PM »

Actually, applying stndardized testing, you SHOULD BE able to determine this.

I know the Professor homeschooled his daughter and her SAT score was around 1400. Seems to be pretty decent kid, too.


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Re: home school question
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2007, 02:13:37 PM »
I do not administer any standardized tests. I don't even give ABC or multiple choice tests in my classes, because I don't think they evaluate ta student's knowledge of the subject (or any language) adequately.

Not all, perhaps not even most, HS graduates take the SAT. It is expensive for those who have to pay for it.

It is not administered free by any government agency that I know of. It is a test of the Educational Testing Service.

Perhaps it COULD be required by a local, state or the gederal government, but at the present time, it isn't.

I thought everyone knew this.
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Re: home school question
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2007, 02:15:49 PM »
Here, the ITBS is typically used, a standardized test for the lower grades.


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Re: home school question
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2007, 02:24:42 PM »
Perhaps it COULD be required by a local, state or the gederal government, but at the present time, it isn't.

I thought everyone knew this.

I thought everyone knew that other standardized tests are required to be administered every few years.

And homeschooling does not eliminate that requirement - parents who homeschool must bring their kids into school periodically for this testing. And it is freely administered.

I thought everyone knew this.
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Re: home school question
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2007, 02:29:34 PM »
Perhaps it COULD be required by a local, state or the gederal government, but at the present time, it isn't.

I thought everyone knew this.

I thought everyone knew that other standardized tests are required to be administered every few years.

And homeschooling does not eliminate that requirement - parents who homeschool must bring their kids into school periodically for this testing. And it is freely administered.

I thought everyone knew this.

Actually, standardized testing is not required for homeschoolers in all states, but probably should be, IMHO.

I thought everyone knew this.


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Re: home school question
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2007, 02:41:01 PM »
Some of you old-timers may remember Bethany as CUSprings on the old yahoo club.

She graduated from Colorado Springs , went on to the University of Chicago Law School and is now in LA at as an entertainment lawyer.

he Homeschool Experience

By Bethany Hollister


            What is homeschooling like?  I get asked that question a lot; probably many of the people reading this now are also wondering.  It?s always easy to give a laundry list of the basic benefits ? direct parental control, versatility, ease of scheduling ? and potential drawbacks ? lack of social interaction, fewer extracurricular activities, little to no accreditation.  But do these things really tell you anything about homeschooling?  For the cynic, perhaps all that matters are the cold, hard statistics of homeschooling.  What?s there, what?s tangible, what I can plainly see ? these are important things, to be sure, but they don?t get to the real heart of the issue.  The important question is not one of grades or social maturity.  The important question is what is right for your child.  Will homeschooling work for you?  I can?t answer that question.  I can, however, tell you what homeschooling was like for me.  I?ve been asked many times if I wish I had attended public school.  I?ve often wondered that myself.  How well did homeschooling work for me?  As I share some of my thoughts and reflections on my homeschool experience, I hope that they may prove relevant ? or at least interesting ? to those curious about homeschooling.


            I remember my first ?classroom.?  It was in the living room of our house in Selmer, Tennessee.  I had a little desk and chair that sat in front of the window, right next to the piano.  My mom sat across from me on the couch and taught me reading and writing, mathematics and science, social studies and history.  My first days of school were short and to the point; we went through my lesson for the day and then I was free to play with my brother and sister or my best friend, who spent afternoons with her grandparents (our next-door neighbors).  Soon my brother, Justin, and my sister, Noelle, joined the ranks of homeschooled children.  Imagine if you will being solely responsible for the concurrent education of three children under the age of ten, each in a different grade, and you may have a picture of what my mom must have gone through.  Still, she persevered and, fortunately for her, Justin and I (and soon afterwards, Noelle) were able to work through most of our school without her help.


            Justin and Noelle and I fought plenty, as all siblings do.  But we also developed a close relationship (they would deny this if ever asked).  Since there were a number of days when we would finish school before the rest of the neighborhood was let out, the only friends we had around were each other.  We used to make up all kinds of spy games and dress up in ridiculous clothes and build spaceships out of pillows in our living room.  We always hung out together; we were a team.  We still get along well today (though there were some trying days in our earlier teen years) and, while we don?t do everything together, we always find time to share a meal out or see a movie together.


            There was still a lot of room for other friends, though.  When we moved to Colorado Springs, the neighborhood kids were friendly and eager to meet the new people.  There were also friends from church, of course.  In middle school, I suffered some brutal teasing and rejection at the hands of some of the ?nice? church kids.  I guess that made up for missing out on all the ?fun? things kids say about each other in public school.  Later on, another local church began offering part-time classes to homeschooling families (such supplemental schools have been rapidly gaining popularity across the country in recent years).  Through Grace Academy, I was able to take speech, drama, chemistry, Spanish, biology, PE and other classes I may have otherwise missed out on in junior high and high school.  These part-time classes also provided a great place to make new friends ? they even had roughly the same schedule as I did, since we were all homeschooled.  This gave my siblings and me a chance to participate in many of the traditional public school activities home schoolers usually miss out on.  We had school plays, choir performances, art competitions and, of course, ruthless scholastic competition between classmates.


            Of course, Grace Academy wasn?t the only place we found to do other things.  When we were younger we took horseback riding, swimming and piano lessons.  We were involved with some local homeschooling groups, like the drama group we performed a play with.  And there were always cultural activities to participate in ? local museums, library book clubs, or whatever else we could find.  Fortunately for me, my parents were incisive enough to recognize that being homeschooled doesn?t mean limiting one?s education to what can be learned from any particular curriculum.


            Eventually the day came when my homeschooling ended.  Actually, it came a bit early.  I finished high school a couple of months before my seventeenth birthday ? about a year early by the traditional school calendar.  I made the decision toward the end of my sophomore year to skip my last year of high school and go straight to college.  I only needed about three more credits, so I combined my junior and senior years into one.  I performed well on both the SAT and ACT and was accepted into the local University of Colorado campus.  There were times when I wanted to apply to a better school, but my parents were adamant that I stay at home ? after all, I was only seventeen, and just barely that.  So, in the fall of 1998, I began my studies at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.


            My freshman year was, admittedly, intimidating.  I didn?t really know anyone at the school and had heard how much more difficult college is than high school.  I had nightmares about missing the first day of class or of forgetting to turn in an important homework assignment.  I soon found out, though, that college really wasn?t that tough.  That?s not to say that keeping my grades up was easy, but it was doable.  I worried at first that maybe I hadn?t been sufficiently prepared; I?d heard some express doubt as to the adequacy of homeschooling in college preparation.  As I look back, though, I can?t detect any deficiencies in my primary and secondary education.  If anything, I think homeschooling may be part of the reason I?ve done well in college ? throughout middle school and high school I was solely responsible for the vast majority of my schoolwork.  College didn?t seem to be so terribly different from high school, except that I attended a lecture every week and my papers were longer.


            I?m now beginning my senior year of college.  My class standing is somewhere in the top three percent at my school and I?m student body co-executive.  I?ve participated in various clubs, completed a political internship and volunteered with church and community organizations.  Sometimes I wonder how things would have been different if I?d gone to public school.  Maybe I could have served on student council or participated in sports.  Perhaps I could have earned awards and honors.  Quite possibly, I would have had more opportunities for advancement and scholastic achievement.  But as I think about it, I realize that none of that really matters.  I?m happy with my life and, for better or worse, homeschooling made me who I am.  Maybe I would have more to be proud of if I?d had the opportunities and experiences public school provides.  Maybe not.  The simple fact is that homeschooling worked for me, as it has worked for countless other young men and women across the country.  Would I change anything about my past?  No.  I?m too excited about my future.


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Re: home school question
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2007, 12:08:01 AM »
thats the problem
he has little interaction with other kids
I`ve seen him in the playground
he scares the other kids
at 7 he`s kinds behaiving like a 4 year old
acedemics pretty high ,but socially not too well
the parents are not isolating him,just they don`t like schools
I don`t see how a teacher would be able to control him without disrupting the class at this juncture
I say 4 because I was with a 4 year old and it`s quite similair
lets just say all dinningware HAS to be plastic at that house


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Re: home school question
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2007, 04:12:29 AM »
I really enjoyed that article, BT. Sounds like a great schooling experience.

Kimba, your friends' child really needs interaction with other kids. Around here there's lots of homeschooling and kids go to 4-H, Cub Scouts, field trips with other homeschooled kids, they have a gym membership, etc. 

The comment about the other kids with the tough feet, that's funny.  That is what the kids in my neighborhood did all summer.   We had tough yellow calluses on our feet.   
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Re: home school question
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2007, 03:58:18 AM »
My son M got a mixed package , and mixed results. He was private schooled till I coldn't afford it , homeschooled till his Mother had to work and public schooled sometimes to no effect.

But one of the best days I ever had with him was a feild trip for school purposes , I remember with great satisfaction his effort at research and writeing on the subject of spiders and the orb weaver he made a pet of in our front yard.

I was only marginally able to support this , I consider what diffrence a voucher program might have made , or some diffrent choices on my own part.

I would have liked very much to have continued him in home school , his troubbles in public school were very like my own.


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Re: home school question
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2007, 09:36:59 AM »
My son M got a mixed package , and mixed results. He was private schooled till I coldn't afford it , homeschooled till his Mother had to work and public schooled sometimes to no effect.

But one of the best days I ever had with him was a feild trip for school purposes , I remember with great satisfaction his effort at research and writeing on the subject of spiders and the orb weaver he made a pet of in our front yard.

I was only marginally able to support this , I consider what diffrence a voucher program might have made , or some diffrent choices on my own part.

I would have liked very much to have continued him in home school , his troubbles in public school were very like my own.

We did several methods wth our children, depending upon the conditions of the time (where I was deployed) and such. Due to the deployments, homescholing was the choice for the older ones. (Early on in my career we were deployed more.) My wife mainly did it. She did a superb job at it, as she does at everything (do you just LOVE your wife or LOVE and RESPECT her?). The younger one was private schooled. One of the boys was public schooled. The private school was fine but the public schools tended to be a mixed bag, quality--wise. If we sent one to a public school in a better neighborhood, the quality was UP. I remember once, however, due to zoning issues, the public school was poor. I asked why once and the answer was that many of the better public schools teachers prefer to teach in the better public (more affluent) schools and so that is where they teach as they have more choice in the matter.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 12:41:10 PM by Mr_Perceptive »


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Re: home school question
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2007, 10:35:13 AM »
Teaching disadvantaged children is a much harder job than teaching middle class kids. Also, it pays less: poor schools don't have the money.

Education is more uniform and higher in quality in countries like Sweden and Belgium and France, where the money is collected and allocated uniformly.

US schools are bad most often because of the inferior way that Americans pay for them.

Of course, we allow people who have no children and no knowledge whatever of education to run for school boards and get elected to administer them, despite their abysmal ignorance and lack of a stake in the success of schools.

Here in Miami, there is an asshole named Demitrio Perez on our schoolboard that runs the chain of Lincoln Marti Scools, which are rather poor private schools. He blocks every attempt to improve the public schools to assure that dimbulb Cuban parents will continue to send their children to his schools (and not be contaminated by the children of Blacks or Haitians, for example).

He also tends to figure out inventive ways to get pu8blic funds allocated to himself and his family.

He opposes Fidel at every opportunity, of course, which makes him a hero to his constituency. Not that Fidel poses any threat to Miami's schoolchildren, of course.

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Re: home school question
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2007, 12:38:10 PM »
Education is more uniform and higher in quality in countries like Sweden and Belgium and France, where the money is collected and allocated uniformly.

When I was a child student uniformity was my very bane.