Um, required preventative visits to the doc are how you, like, prevent diseases or prevent them from getting way worse. This is a bad thing? No. It saves taxpayer money by the city landfill-load down the road.
Absolutely it's a good thing to do.....BUT NOT AT THE DICTATES OF THE GOVERNMENT. The same Government everyone is all over in denouncing "big brother", "spying", etc. You realize the Government will have direct access to these medical records, since THEY'RE the ones that will be using our tax dollars to pay for it. So the notion that your medical information will be held confidential is laughable. Yet, this is what's being advocated??
![Huh ???](
I am sure Sirs knows of someone who, because of untreated (pick one) high blood pressure or diabetes, went into kidney failure or other organ failure and was on a vent for months, until their deaths. I certainly have taken care of my share of million dollar patients. A doctor visit: $50, let's say. Hypertension dx, a prescription for Atenolol and hydrochlorothyazide, $30. Wow. $80 is far less than a million dollars. Who would have thunk it? Only people who think this country and its populace deserve medical care, I guess. Only people who don't want people to die unnecessarily.
oy...the old fall back...if you don't support the lib's notion of how things should be you are by design, anti-"that". I could tell you horror stories Lanya, from what I've seen and witnessed. Do I think those incidents warrant the taking away of our freedom? You really want a REPUBLICAN congress (they will eventually be in the majority again) and/or a REPUBLICAN President telling you what you're going to do medically? What tests you WILL perform, in the name of "public health"? The same clan you think want women to die of Cancer, you want to give THAT kind of CONTROL to??
Ignoring the mudslinging for a moment, which was really uncalled for.
Where you get "mudslinging" I have no idea. But let's move past that
This is another issue that immediately gets viewed through the lense of neo-liberalism. Individual rights, is for some reason the first and immediate thought. It shouldn't be.
YES, it should. Freedom should not so easily be cast aside because someone else thinks they know better. In other words, Freedom includes the freedom to make bad choices, to act stupid, to say and/or perform things completely illogical. You may be much smarter than me, and 95% of the rest of us Js. Your superior intellect & grasp of "complexities" however does NOT give you jurisdiction over MY simplistic choices, so long as I'm not injuring or endangering anyone else
This is a matter of public health.
So "public health" trumps personal responsibility?? Trumps freedom? Where does it stop Js? When does the Government tell me how many calories I
should be eating? When does the Government tell me whem my bodyfat % is too great and
should be lowered? When does the Government tell me how much I'm to weigh, and if over said #,
should be obligated to a strict diet? Your "public health" glosses right over my freedom, my choices, because someone else, in this case the Government, apparently "knows better"
The truth is that pregnant women should receive pre-natal care. Women over a certain age should have mammograms. Showing people their cholesterol numbers, triglyceride levels, blood sugar, etc is sometimes the best way to get them to see that they need to change their lifestyle. People tend to respect hard quantitative data as opposed to simple warnings about certain foods, or avoiding smoking while pregnant.
Yes, that's all well & good, BUT the point remains.....our Government should
NOT be dictating how we are to live our lives, such as mandating when we're to see a doctor, and when we're to have some test performed. As Prince accurately referenced, if not fascist, it's at minimum Authoritarianism
Calling people Fascist is a five-decade old political trick (along with calling them communist) to force one's views into a corner. It is meaningless and often employed by those who refuse engaging in a real argument beyond mudslinging. The article itself does nothing more than just that.
It's EDWARDS making the proclaimations, Js. It's Edwards making it clear what he would MANDATE under his plan The article simply highlights what he's planning to impose. And while we're at it, perhaps you can have a serious talk with our resident Canadien communist, who apparently has no problem calling any and everything he doesn't agree with that "5-decade old political trick". Give him a heads-up on it's chronic overuse
Would you want George W. Bush making medical decisions for you?
Of course this is a simplistic scare tactic. Medical professionals determine what preventative care is most effective and necessary. President Bush has nothing to do with it.
Yet it's President-want-to-be Edwards claiming precisely that. That his Government WILL be making your medical decisions. What was that about what Fascism tends to do?...something about a Centralized Government implimentating mandatory compliance to ....... most everything. Ususally requires a dictator. Is Edwards applying for the position?