Those who do not believe in Allah are "infidels." I would present the FACT that Jews and Christians do not.
According to Islam: Jews, Christians, and Zoarastrians do.
You keep defending Islam, but the fact is that many if its followers today are committing terrorist acts. I care little about all this discussion about the crusades. I live TODAY and TODAY is when 9-11 happened and people throughout he Middle East celebrated. The Palestinian professor here says he would kill all Jews. When queried, he says he means it. Several years ago, we were going to hire a new professor, well-distinguished one. He was very "high" on the man until he found out he was Jewish. Then, he made such a fuss, we didn't hire the new guy. And, do "moderate" Moslems corral these extremists, nope. No excuses, they don't. So, putting thme into the same barrel sounds authentic to me. They need ot show me different before I change my mind. Round up some extremsits, etc. Then, the West's views might change. Of course, I don't see this happening, do you?
No Professor, you really don't live in today's world. You live in a version of today's world created by people who have no real understanding of Islam or international politics in general.
Y'all whine about moderate Muslims not doing their jobs, but what do you do? What do you all do when a Christian commits a violent act? When the IRA or UVF set off bombs? When the Lord's Resistance Army continues to perpetrate atrocities, what specific acts do you take?
In fact, Iran was one of the first countries to condemn the 9/11 attacks. Yet, I bet none of you have considered that or given them any credit for it. So what the hell are these people supposed to do? They are damned if they do and damned if they don't in your eyes.
And that doesn't even get to the fact that International Terrorism is not that deadly. You, Sirs, Rich, and others keep making it out to be this horrific, momentous threat to everyone's life and right wing editorialists claim it is a threat to Western Civilization and Freedom itself. Yet, the data (meaning the FACTS) don't reflect that as being even close to the truth. Not even within the realm of feasibility.
So, by all means rant on...but I remain skeptically unimpressed by what amounts to hearsay ("we had a Palestinian Professor who threatened to kill all Jews") and conjecture (Militant Islam threatens the very fabric of society).
Is this the same Iran that held our Embassy employees as hostages? I am supposed to respect the views of a nation that commits an act that is against all international law? Defend it, if you can. I would've taken the country apart for it. I voted for Jimmy but I am ashamed at his lack of cojones regarding that.
And the Palestinina professor issue isn ot hearsay. It is FACT. I don't lie. EVER. And what the IRA does is just as disgusting and I would string thme up one by one as well as Moslem extermists. I apply the same strategies. Do you?