Perfection is possible, of course.
We all can add 2+2 and get the correct answer, perfectly.
Paul was one of the greatest publicists of ancient times. I suspect that in the contemporary US he would have been a star salesmen and recruiter for Amway.
But leaving behind the destruction of the accumulated wisdom of the ancient world is to my mind worse than simply filling suckers' garages with overpriced SA-8 laundry detergent.
I am all for striving toward perfection. And this is best done when one keeps an open mind.
When one claims to have the Truth straight from God (as many Jews, Christians and Muslims do) it sort of deters from the advance of knowledge for us all.
The anti-evolutionists and the anti-stem cell researchists are the prime examples here in the US today.
The idea that the US should invade Iraq, a nation with 6000 years of civilization, and impose our style of government upon it is also a result of intolerance, and yes, what the Holy Mother Church calls the Mortal Sin of Pride.
Striving for perfection does not include voting for or supporting Juniorbush and his cronies in my book.