That's an interesting comment except I'm not sure what you mean by "trust." I don't trust anyone 100% but I always like to hear what they have to say. Even the right-wing crazies in this group. And I want them to hear what I have to say. Even if they are impervious to my reason and logic, I just want them to know that the universe does not accept their view as the only view.
Sure, everyone comes with his own bias - - plane said something about that once that was really concise and clever, but I can't remember what it was. And plane's a guy I disagree with 99 times out of a hundred.
I trust my doctors and my wife's doctors because we wouldn't be alive without them, but that doesn't mean they can't be wrong, so I question them a lot. I do it respectfully and they really don't mind (if they did, I'd fire them.) I trust my brakes on the highway and that means I trust the guy who tuned them up. And, no, I don't test them every time before pulling out of the driveway.
Literally, I don't see how anyone can get through his or her day without some degree of trust. Trust that the money I put in the bank will be there when I draw a cheque against it. I don't trust the media on some stories, I trust 'em on others. I trust the Toronto Star if it tells me funding was approved for a new subway line. I don't trust it if it tells me the Canadian Army has the Taliban on the run in Kandahar Province. I trust Juan Cole. I trust Ralph Nader. I don't trust Fox News or CNN. Politicians, I agree, are very hard to trust. The only one that I trust completely is Fidel Castro, and even he let me down very badly one time. Although I can see the practical reasons for it now - - the Bay of Pigs prisoners should all have been executed for treason by firing squads, and instead they were traded for medicines. It wasn't that the medicines were that badly needed, it was really that Cuba would have alienated not only sympathetic Americans but all Europeans, had the executions proceeded.
I realize that a lot of the stuff I post here starts with an emotion - - I see stuff that turns my stomach, that I know just can't be right, and I say so. But I try to listen to the arguments in defence of what I saw. I will tell you, some things are just indefensible. There is no argument that can justify the rape of a child and (IMHO) there is no argument that can justify the torture of another human being. There's no logical argument I'm aware of that I am my brother's keeper, either. At some point, logic reaches its limit and we are left with just conflicting definitions of who we are. I'm a guy who can't torture a prisoner, you're a guy who can if he (the prisoner) knows where the next attack is coming from.
Posting empty pages seems like a very Zen thing to do. I'm not gonna start doing it though because it really amounts to an undeserved claim of superiority over the other members of the group - - "All YOU have to contribute is blather, but since I am too proud to blather, I'll post this blank page." Better to put up my thoughts, warts and all, and let my detractors have at them. Rightly or (much more often) wrongly.