What you are presumably thinking of is Iran and Syria will cooperate in cooling the conflict in return for U.S. promises of non-aggression, in a comprehensive treaty.
Why on earth they would be so fucking stupid as to trust American promises of non-aggression when America is in flagrant and continuing breach of its binding legal obligations under the Charter of the United Nations is a huge mystery to me. Iran knows that its best security lies not in American treaty obligations, which are broken with disturbing regularity, but in the acquisition of nuclear weapons, which it is proceeding to acquire with all deliberate speed.
The September 17th New Yorker magazine has an article by George Packer about all the various proposals currently floating about for U.S withdrawal. Including everything domer's ever thought of, and more. None of them are any good. None of them work. Stay or go, you're fucked either way. Kinda reminds me of Hitler's last days in the bunker, the desperation, the wild lies, the fantastic plans. There IS a God after all.
I guess the one thing that stood out in the article was that in 2008, troops will have to start coming back because all the units there will have reached their maximum 18-month extension. Hey, soon it'll be time to start making a whole new series of "Rambo" movies in which you get to win THAT war too.