<<So you don't believe your generalized slander that all politicians are bought and paid for?>>
You really love to oversimplify your opponent's view and then shoot it down, don't you? Cheap, BT. Real cheap. In the first place, I don't recall saying ALL politicians were bought and paid for, but if I did, it was obviously rhetorical. sirs tried a similar tactic of putting words in my mouth, particularly the word "ALL," just like you, but you can't pull it off any more successfully than he did, although it is certainly no surprise to see his monkey-like "LOL . . . dead on" comment following your own. One cheap-shot artist applauding the other. Congratulations, BT, you seem to have found your natural audience.
<<Just the ones you disagree with, perhaps?>>
No, just the ones whose positions oddly enough seem to benefit the same ultra-rich, ultra-conservative "benefactors" whose interests they all too obviously serve. Naturally. A little application of the cui bono principle usually goes a long way in clarifying the situation.