Hey, I am not gay, and I am okay with Adam and Steve having a civil union if they are. They can call it "Bob" for all I care.
The GOP is against Adam and Steve having a civil union that would give them the same benefits. I don't think that all Democrats are down with this sort of civil union. either. I think that this is relevant to this discussion.
I am at a loss, however, to see why the dictionary should somehow be considered sacred. It is a large book and is often black and authorative, but hey, it is not the LAW.
The dictionary defined Armageddon and unicorns, satyrs, griffons, chimeras and other nonexistent events and entities, as well as Jupiter, the Furies, and such, and few got upset when the word "legendary" was added.
Jupiter is still the King of Olympus, despite his being only legendary.
Arguing that Webster's Dictionary is in some way inviolable or immutable is a pretty lame argument.