I am one almost genetically inclined to honor women. On the national scene now we have one who is acquitting herself so well as to be in a class of her own. That is not an easy task for Hillary Clinton is competing for approval of the voters with Barack Obama, perhaps the brightest new star to rise in the political firmament in recent years.
But Mrs. Clinton has met every task of a long and grueling campaign schedule with panache, grace and dignity, all the while demonstrating her surpassing intelligence and unique experiential base.
Yet there is a tendency among some to trash her because she's a woman or because she dares to enter the ring. I must say that all of us would be poorer if she had not.
At this juncture, I suggest in timely fashion, in her realm Mrs. Clinton is more respectworthy than Gen. David Petraeus, of recent controversy, and deserves at least the same political cover for her ideas as he enjoyed for his.