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Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« on: September 19, 2007, 08:14:18 PM »
Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
By Michael Medved
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Few opinions I've expressed on air have produced a more indignant, outraged reaction than my repeated insistence that the word "genocide" in no way fits as a description of the treatment of Native Americans by British colonists or, later, American settlers.

I've never denied that the 400 year history of American contact with the Indians includes many examples of white cruelty and viciousness --- just as the Native Americans frequently (indeed, regularly) dealt with the European newcomers with monstrous brutality and, indeed, savagery. In fact, reading the history of the relationship between British settlers and Native Americans its obvious that the blood-thirsty excesses of one group provoked blood thirsty excesses from the other, in a cycle that listed with scant interruption for several hundred years.

But none of the warfare (including an Indian attack in 1675 that succeeded in butchering a full one-fourth of the white population of Connecticut, and claimed additional thousands of casualties throughout New England) on either side amounted to genocide. Colonial and, later, the American government, never endorsed or practiced a policy of Indian extermination; rather, the official leaders of white society tried to restrain some of their settlers and militias and paramilitary groups from unnecessary conflict and brutality.

Moreover, the real decimation of Indian populations had nothing to do with massacres or military actions, but rather stemmed from infectious diseases that white settlers brought with them at the time they first arrived in the New World.

UCLA professor Jared Diamond, author of the universally acclaimed bestseller "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies," writes:

"Throughout the Americas, diseases introduced with Europeans spread from tribe to tribe far in advance of the Europeans themselves, killing an estimated 95 percent of the pre-Columbian Native American population. The most populous and highly organized native societies of North America, the Mississippian chiefdoms, disappeared in that way between 1492 and the late 1600's, even before Europeans themselves made their first settlement on the Mississippi River (page 78)....

"The main killers were Old World germs to which Indians had never been exposed, and against which they therefore had neither immune nor genetic resistance. Smallpox, measles, influenza, and typhus rank top among the killers." (page 212).

"As for the most advanced native societies of North America, those of the U.S. Southeast and the Mississippi River system, their destruction was accomplished largely by germs alone, introduced by early European explorers and advancing ahead of them" (page 374)

Obviously, the decimation of native population by European germs represents an enormous tragedy, but in no sense does it represent a crime. Stories of deliberate infection by passing along "small-pox blankets" are based exclusively on two letters from British soldiers in 1763, at the end of the bitter and bloody French and Indian War. By that time, Indian populations (including those in the area) had already been terribly impacted by smallpox, and there's no evidence of a particularly devastating outbreak as a result of British policy.

For the most part, Indians were infected by devastating diseases even before they made direct contact with Europeans: other Indians who had already been exposed to the germs, carried them with them to virtually every corner of North America and many British explorers and settlers found empty, abandoned villages (as did the Pilgrims) and greatly reduced populations when they first arrived.

Sympathy for Native Americans and admiration for their cultures in no way requires a belief in European or American genocide. As Jared Diamond's book (and countless others) makes clear, the mass migration of Europeans to the New World and the rapid displacement and replacement of Native populations is hardly a unique interchange in human history. On six continents, such shifting populations ? with countless cruel invasions and occupations and social destructions and replacements - have been the rule rather than the exception.

The notion that unique viciousness to Native Americans represents our "original sin" fails to put European contact with these struggling Stone Age societies in any context whatever, and only serves the purposes of those who want to foster inappropriate guilt, uncertainty and shame in young Americans.

A nation ashamed of its past will fear its future.

One of the most urgent needs in culture and education for the United States of America is discarding the stupid, groundless and anti-American lies that characterize contemporary political correctness.

The right place to begin is to confront, resist and reject the all-too-common line that our rightly admired forebears involved themselves in genocide.

The early colonists and settlers can hardly qualify as perfect but describing them in Hitlerian, mass-murdering terms represents an act of brain-dead defamation.

Michael Medved, nationally syndicated talk radio host, is author of 10 non-fiction books, including The Shadow Presidents and Right Turns.
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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2007, 10:17:49 PM »
will infuriate the "blame everything on whitey" volvo drivers
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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2007, 01:47:01 AM »
Holocaust denial with the antisemitism.

You guys really work hard to rationalize our race's misdeeds.
Why can't you rightwingers who allegedly love responsibility and such own up to our race having come into this country and wiped it free of "pesky savages" who were in the way of whitey taking everything for himself?

God, just own up to our races mistakes and horrible misdeeds.  Next you'll be saying that God wanted us to enslave the black race.

Oh wait, maybe I mean you'll be wanting to BRING BACK the idea that God wanted us to enslave the black race.

What mental midget Medved is not including in his little evasion of guilt is the fact that the Native Americans were here FIRST.  If China came in with laser guns and superfast aircycles, and started setting up encampments and shooing off landusers you guys would be crying about it and wanting the government to send in the nation guard to kill their asses tootsweet.

But if the Native Americans thought they were threatened and took it upon themselves to "send messages" to the creeping invaders they were just asking for it like a drunken flirty girl asks to be raped.

And lordy lordy, don't ever think that just because old worlders brought germs over and it wiped out masses that's any white man's fault!!!  Lawsy laws!!!  It's just them bad ole germs!!!

It's really god damned mindboggling how you guys will go to such enormous lengths to escape the slightest whiff of guilt.

Yes, technically, it was not a crime to bring germs into a country that had no natural immunity to those germs.  Technically.  You guys just love technicalities when its your hides being saved but don't let a dirty brown person get off on one because then its the end of rule of law.  Fucking OJ getting off in a court of law.  I mean, DAMN! You can just see how guilty he is by the color of skin and the color of his dead ex-wife's skin.  RIGHT.


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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2007, 02:14:32 AM »
hold it
over 70%(being nice) is gone by the presence(not action) of the europeon arrival
you need to see beauty of the situation
the total amount of death caused just by showing up.
and it`s not even a conscience act.
it may not be genocide
but anybody who does genocide will admire such fine work.
can  anybody in history can top that?
most folk has to kill face to face
but to simply stay awhille give a few blanket drink from the same water source
share afew meals.
and this will cause the deaths of 100s of millions
you just can`t do better than that


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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2007, 02:58:05 AM »
I'm not a big proponent of racial guilt.

Never shot an Indian, never owned a slave.


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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2007, 04:54:06 AM »
nobody else feels guilty why start now
but we really shouldn`t sugar coat what happened in the past
the whole point of history is to not repeat
nobody ever called it genocide
final solution,ethnic cleansing
it tends to come-back with a different name
I think even the bible has no problem with it
I think leviticus has something that ok`s it.
really should reread that someday.


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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2007, 09:44:28 AM »
I'm not a big proponent of racial guilt.

Never shot an Indian, never owned a slave.

Race is simply foreground.  The real issue is acknowledgement of the fact that the founding of America (however great it may be now or more specifically was at one point) resulted, intentionally or unintentionally, in genocide. 

And the reason to acknowledge that is the resulting growth. 

If we, as Americans, acknowledge that part of our national history is participation in genocide (whether in the 17th or 18th century against the Native Americans or in 20th century East Timor) and stamping that participation as a MISTAKE, then we can grow as a nation by not ever participating in genocide again.

Medved's attempt to explain away that participation is pure Americanism at its ugliest.  He intends that since America was founded by the white majority that now rules and America is so great that whatever might have happened was A) worth it and/or B) not genocide because it might have been "accidental" therefore technically not genocide.

It is the same kind of mindset that keeps us in Iraq. 

A) America is great in might and character.
B) America can do no wrong.
C) Iraq is done when we say it is done no matter how many die.

The reality is that this mindset is, ironically, destroying America's might and character throughout the world.  It's really an indicator of how mentally ill those who control the country are.  YC may be able to fully explain it but it has to do with rationalizing anything to adhere to a specific idea or goal.

Ignoring our mistakes as a nation or explaining them away is at worst mental illness, at best immaturity.



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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2007, 10:00:24 AM »
I don't think it is so much a matter of "guilt" as what impact that colonial mindset has had on modern times. Brass brings up blacks as well as Native Americans and I think he hits the nail on the head.

The truth is that modern Native American reservations are very poverty-stricken areas. And, the United States (and in truth Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and most British ex-colonies) did not stop these oppressive policies back in the 19th century. Many of them were extended well into the 20th century. Look at Shannon County, South Dakota as a great example. The per capita income there is around $6,300 per year. Nearby Buffalo County is $5,200 per year, with 57% unemployment. Both are majority Native American reservations.

The same holds true for many African-Americans. These are people who are not benefitting from all the great numbers people tout in the Dow Jones or the unemployment percentages. It is a mix of history and class. So yes, it makes a difference, no matter what game of semantics Medved wishes to play.
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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2007, 10:38:32 AM »
>>Why can't you rightwingers who allegedly love responsibility and such own up to our race having come into this country and wiped it free of "pesky savages" who were in the way of whitey taking everything for himself?<<

Straying from the template really upsets our local socialists and communists.

Like Medvid said,

"One of the most urgent needs in culture and education for the United States of America is discarding the stupid, groundless and anti-American lies that characterize contemporary political correctness."

Popular culture has convince the less cerebral of us that certain things are true and they swallow it without blinking an eye. On the other hand they want us to research things like 9/11 and not trust what the establishment tells us.


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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2007, 10:57:10 AM »
What precisely is the lie, Rich?

The Trail of Tears, for example, actually took place. The Indian Removal Policy was real. Wounded Knee actually took place. The Indian Boarding Schools, with documented cases of abuse as well as policies of forbidding the studying of their languages, religion, and culture really took place (in the last century as a matter of fact).

Are you suggesting that these never took place, or that they don't amount to genocide?

They might not amount to genocide (I think that is a fair point to argue), but it is not anti-American to point out the historical events that took place to the detriment of the original inhabitants of this land.
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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2007, 11:16:50 AM »
>>The Trail of Tears, for example, actually took place. The Indian Removal Policy was real. Wounded Knee actually took place etc...<<

Medvid never denied it. Did you actually read the article? I doubt it. The Natives committed their share of atrosities, or are they like modern Islamists held to a lower standard because they are somehow less than the white man?

>>Are you suggesting that these never took place, or that they don't amount to genocide? They might not amount to genocide (I think that is a fair point to argue)...<<

Which is it? Am I wrong to say it wasn't genocide, or is it fair to argue that point? If you're interested in the subject of European colinization of North and South America I suggest you read the book, 1491. One of the things it points out is that the American Indian (north and south) were devistated by desease prior to European's landing in the Americas

>>but it is not anti-American to point out the historical events that took place to the detriment of the original inhabitants of this land.<<

I think if you read what Brass had to say about it you'll see a perfect example of Medvid's point.


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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2007, 11:27:17 AM »
I read the article, but I was asking for your view, not Medved's.

I said it was fair to argue whether it was genocide or not. Genocide is not the most easily defined term. On the other hand, to claim that Europeans treated the Native Americans fairly would be a joke.

Medved's argument is that the Native American's didn't treat the white's well, so they got it back in kind. That's not exactly an impressive nor scholarly approach. He forgets the policies of deliberately killing buffalo on the plains, attempted enslavement, forced resettlement, and finally assimilation.

He claims that we shouldn't make students feel "guilty." Yeah, heaven forbid that would ever happen. They may develop a conscience or something. ;)

I wonder if he feels the same about the German youth and the Holocaust? After all, whether it really was genocide or not, he claims that "a nation ashamed of its past will fear its future."

What do you think? It seems to me that he is mostly afraid of telling the truth. The European settlers and early Americans tended to view Native Americans as less than human. Those policies are still harming Native Americans to this day.
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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2007, 11:59:07 AM »
"One of the most urgent needs in culture and education for the United States of America is discarding the stupid, groundless and anti-American lies that characterize contemporary political correctness."

Translation:  We never did anything wrong and if we did America is great so stop questioning us.  (Note:  The key for the translation lies in the word "anti-American".)

Notice that Medved is not so much concerned with getting the truth but in getting rid of the anti-Americanism.


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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2007, 12:00:37 PM »
>>Medved's argument is that the Native American's didn't treat the white's well, so they got it back in kind.<<

It is? Please show me where he says any such thing.

>>That's not exactly an impressive nor scholarly approach.<<

Based on your above falsehood you're hardly the one to speak of scholarly approaches. Also, you're mind is closed, another example of your less than scholarly approach.


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Re: Reject the Lie of White "Genocide" Against Native Americans
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2007, 12:05:06 PM »
>>Medved's argument is that the Native American's didn't treat the white's well, so they got it back in kind.<<

It is? Please show me where he says any such thing.

>>That's not exactly an impressive nor scholarly approach.<<

Based on your above falsehood you're hardly the one to speak of scholarly approaches. Also, you're mind is closed, another example of your less than scholarly approach.

Second paragraph, then the paranthetical reference, which was not necessary and clearly added for emotional intent - in the third paragraph.

My approach is irrelevant, I'm not the one publishing an article.
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