I'm realizing my response to this case is wrong, but I'm still angered by the level of racism involved. I'm not the sort of guy who sees racism lurking behind every interaction between pale-skinned folks and dark-skinned folks. I know racism is still an issue in our culture, but I really just don't see it all the time or even a lot of the time. For me personally, skin color has the same significance as eye color or hair color. Where some people see racial diversity, I just see people. I don't think in terms of skin color diversity any more than I think of hair color diversity. And while there are very few things in this world that I genuinely hate, racism is one of those things. And a case like the one in Jena, well, it just makes me, literally, disgusted and angry. I guess I'm directing my hate at the racists, even though I know I shouldn't. My emotional reaction is skewing my perspective, and I know it, but I don't feel that my reaction is wrong even though on a more detached intellectual level I know it is.