<<p.s. the fact these kids needed permission to sit in a shaded tree
colors the claims jena is not racist>>
kimba's the only one in this thread who got it right. The issue isn't the conduct of this teen or that teen. Teens say dumb, stupid and outrageous things all the time. I don't think anyone's child should have his head stomped into a permanent vegetal state (which could easily have been the result of the attack) just for saying something stupid, ugly or offensive. Whoever participated in that assault should be charged with the appropriate offence and prosecuted to the max, subject to whatever defences or mitigation (self-defence, provocation, etc.) are available, if any. The school administration is negligent not only for not reacting forcefully to the nooses in the first instance, but probably for not being pro-active in combating the endemic racism which must inevitably have seeped into the school from the larger society. Fighting racism should be one of a public school's primary endeavours in a state like Louisiana.
You have to wonder, of course, about asking permission to sit under a fucking tree. THAT, coupled with the instances of selective prosecution given in this thread and with the drive-by noose exhibition, indicates the real problem of the South, despite all the denials of the bullshit "New South" variety - - deep-seated, underlying racism, bred in the bone. Don't tell me that if the past seven or eight generations had it, that this generation doesn't. That's just insulting the intelligence of anyone who can read a newspaper.