<<I don't have an answer for you Js. >>
Oh, but you are too modest, sirs. In fact you DO have an answer - - << What I do have are Pollack's conclusions [the conclusions of the Director of Research of the Saban Center for Middle East Studies, financed by billionaire Zionist Haim Saban] the Bipartisan Robb-Silverman conclusions [Robb being the DINO providing "bipartisan" cover to Laurence Silberman, a Reagan campaign adviser and judicial nominee who has participated in every kind of Republican dirty trick including the Iran-Contra scandal and the Anita Hill smear job,who has been called by Ralph Neas, past president of People for the American Way "the most partisan and most political federal judge in the country"] the the Bipartisan Senate Intelligence Investigation conclusions, ["Nobody fooled us, we investigated whether somebody fooled us or not and our conclusion is that nobody fooled us"] the 911 Comittee conclusions [comparable to another Warren Commission Report?] not to mention the Butler report [an English whitewash similar to the Robb-Silberman report] logic & common sense. [logic? common sense? how? what's logical about any of that crap? LOGIC and COMMON SENSE say Bush lied.]
<< What you have is a reporter>>
ANOTHER one of sirs' fucking lies. What you have is a reporter with whom even Pollack had to agree as to the improper influence exerted on intelligence gathering by Bush administration officials. But in addition to that you also have Richard A. Clarke. You have John Prados. You have Vincent Cannistraro. You have the Downing Street Memo. There's other stuff as well, but what's the point? As often as it's enumerated, that's how many times sirs will either say "You have only one source" or "You have zero, zip, nada." The guy lies like a trooper. There is absolutely no point in debating anything with him. When a clear-cut admission (like even Pollack's admission) is laid out in black and white before his very eyes, he just baldly denies that it says what it says. Later on, he'll even deny it existed.
The dilemma posed by a chronic liar like sirs is this: do you waste hours of your time rebutting his lies over and over again? Or do you just say "fuck it" and resolve to ignore the guy? But if you ignore him, he keeps repeating the same fucking lies over and over again. Is it right to let him get away with it? I guess basically the question is, what's the harm done if he does?