Especially coming from someone who didn't even have the balls to Serve his country.
I've seen entry recruits with more balls than you. Pace was a REAL MAN and you made sure he was taken care of. But, he knew the score.
There you are, blathering on about balls again. I suggest that I served my country BETTER by NOT wasting ammo in vain in Vietnam. Had I been killed there, the government would have had less money. To pay you, if in fact you really were in the Army, which I doubt. Vietnam was a totally lost cause right from the git-go. A total waste of time and money. Those who were wounded and died there died for naught. I am sorry about this, but they should have had the good sense to sit that one out.Those who served there were just encouraging the sort of Imperial crapola that Iraq is all about today.
A country that has it right needs no recruits. Just volunteers. Like perhaps Denmark or Norway.
I have done nothing in favor of or against Pace, one way or the other. I suspect that if Juniorbush did not reappoint him, he must have gotten some thing right. Perhaps even two things.