But on the other end of the spectrum, you'd be a Burmese soldier firing on unarmed monks?
You bet your sweet patootie he would, and he would shoot them PROUDLY for his country.
Strangely, I always thought that the French Foreign Legion was the foremost fighting unit on the planet. Or the Special Forces. Or the Navy Seals.
Perhaps the Muhrines might be in fourth place.
But first in self-promotion. They are extremely good at that. That and brainwashing their recruits. It's almost as if Pride were not one of the Seven Deadly Sins with them.
Perhaps there is an unawareness as to why they had to, yes had to abolish the draft. It was because it didn't work during the Vietnam War. Draftees were called, but they did not report. They went to Canada, to Sweden, hid out or just ignored it completely.
I didn't actually have a deferment. I failed an Army physical in 1961, and they should have given me a different classification, but they didn't, so I harrassed them for it about every six months for six years and eventually they sent me an invitation for a physical, but I was in Mexico and they sent it regular mail, so I didn't get it until after the date was passed. Then I sent them copies of all the previous letters about the physical I had already taken and they just gave up.
But I didn't think they had the right to tell me that I had to go halfway around the world to fight in someone else's civil war, and I still don't.
And I have the absolute right to do whatever the Hell I want with my own body. Maybe they could make me, but that would involve catching me first. And I can be quite nimble, despite the allergies that they failed me on the physical for. It's a bit of a family tradition. No one in my lineage has fired a shot in anger since the Revolutionary War.
My Civil War ancestors were doctors and medics. My grandfather was a preacher and my father was too old for WWII and was needed at his job for a paint company, where he did the accounting on govt. contracts.
They threw a very few in jail for draft avoidance in Vietnam, but that did not add to the total number of soldiers.
If there were a draft today, there would be major rioting and civil disobedience, much worse than anything that happened in Vietnam. You can't tell people that they are free and then force them into uniforms and into combat in the US. This was done by Stalin in the USSR, but it didn't work there, either. Of course, the USSR was being invaded, which is quite different.
My guess is with about two million demonstrators, someone would yank Cheney and Juniorbush out of their cushy limos and offices and drown their sorry asses in the Reflecting Pool if they got the timing right. Could happen, but not without a draft. And maybe a court ruling that women were not exempt from the draft.
It might be considered a braver deed to do this than to go off and die in Iraq for their stupidity, arrogance and incompetence.