Author Topic: Black Racism and The Jena Six  (Read 4142 times)

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Re: Black Racism and The Jena Six
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2007, 05:46:10 PM »
>>Now Rich, it's moronic and idiotic when the likes of Brass & Tee throw the term around at anyone & anything that doesn't fit their neat little alternate reality of events.  It won't serve you well here, either, IMHO<<

The difference being that what I present is the truth. I think you know that, but lack the balls to say it.

Actually, I have no problem presenting the truth.......Rich, stop being an idiot.  JS no more supports killing in the name of Islamofascism, than you or I.  Yes, he does have a problem when confronted with racism that's supposed to get a PC pass, but that doesn't justify the vitriole you're throwing at him.

I think the left is marching to fascism, or perhaps Communism would be the more accurate term while they both amount to the same thing.

And I agree, that the left is supportive, when not advocating a socialist control of this country, looking to put the Government, the same one they rail about regarding national disasters and supposed spying on its citizens, but putting Government in control, since I guess they think they know better than us, understand the "complexity" & "nuances" of issues, that simple minded folk, like us I guess, just can't handle.  Point being, fight it with reason, not emotion.  If you hadn't noticed, I think you're right on many core issues, but your tact in demonstrating it, is approaching knute-like proportions     :-\
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Re: Black Racism and The Jena Six
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2007, 06:29:54 PM »

Point being, WHERE in any MSM outlet/story do you hear about the blatant racist actions & rhetoric coming from Sharpton & Jackson?

What racist actions and rhetoric? I don't agree with a lot of what Sharpton and Jackson say, but that doesn't mean they're being racist.

Where in in any MSM outlet do you see any reports of the Black on White & Black on Black racism??  Practically nil.

I don't know how the mainstream news media makes it's decisions, and there may be room for criticism on those points, but pointing rhetorical fingers and saying "Yeah, well they do it too" is not going to put this story into perspective. All that does is excuse inexcusable behavior and distract from the facts of the case. That's how we end up with the nonviolent noose "prank" versus the horrible beating. This is how racism continues, imo. I'm not saying you're racist, but these articles amount to excuses. If we're all going to agree that racism is wrong, then let's just go ahead and condemn it rather than acting like two nooses is less offensive than three or that because Sharpton and Jackson say some wrong things then somehow only the African-American teens were being racist.

The article you reference simply attempts to demonstrate there's much more here than the MSM would lead us to believe.

And in the process attempts to say this is somehow merely a nonviolent prank versus hateful assault. No sir, I will not give them a pass.

I don't think anone doubt that the use of the nooses was anything but racially motivated.  Do you?

I think some people would like to paint it as not racist, as just a harmless prank. Racially motivated? We're not talking about African-American women choosing African-American men to date. It was racist, Sirs. It was hateful bigotry. I was wrong in my initial comments about what should happen to the Jena 6, but I still cannot excuse and will not play down the racism.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
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Re: Black Racism and The Jena Six
« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2007, 11:48:05 PM »
For a while I used my Navy experience in my Church youth group and taught knot tieing.

I made sure that they all knew the basic four knots that are all you really need to know for 99% of all occasions , and I would demonstrate a monkeys fist or a turks head if a pupil seemed to be intrested.

I often got asked to teach them how to make a hangmans noose.

I refused to teach that knot , though I did not think that the kids were anything but courious and ment no harm.

I had a picture in my mind of some child getting in troubble with   a noose and telling the authorities that he had learned it from Mr. Mike in Church youth group.

Oooooooh no !

A hangmans noose is not an innocent thing , it is a death threat in many contexts .


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Re: Black Racism and The Jena Six
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2007, 01:31:34 PM »
>> If you hadn't noticed, I think you're right on many core issues, but your tact in demonstrating it, is approaching knute-like proportions .<<

Okay, I'll take your advice in the spirit which which I think it was intended. Then I'll ignore it. Thanks, but no thanks.

Why? Because these people are dangerous. They give no quarter, and will receive none. There's to much at stake.

As for Knute, that's your biggest fear isn't it? You're like the Republicans in Congress who call the leftist's "my esteemed colleague" while they get stabbed in the back and have their character assassinated day after day.  You're one of those who treats the alligator nicely convinced he won't eat you, but make no mistake sirs, he's GOING to eat you.

Look what they do to our leaders sirs. They'll do it to you without thinking twice about it. Look what they're doing to Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Juan Williams right now. They feel no conpuction at lying to meet their own ends. They'll destroy anyone who doesn't fold when confronted by them.

Don't fold sirs.


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Re: Black Racism and The Jena Six
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2007, 05:52:42 PM »
>> If you hadn't noticed, I think you're right on many core issues, but your tact in demonstrating it, is approaching knute-like proportions .<<

Okay, I'll take your advice in the spirit which which I think it was intended. Then I'll ignore it. Thanks, but no thanks.

Ahh, you've moved right into the realm of mind reading I see.     ::)

As for Knute, that's your biggest fear isn't it?

Excuse me??  Fear of the biggest clown ever to grace chat forums??  I'd ask you to try and clarify that remark, but I'm afraid you'll be digging a hole only Tee manages to find. 

You're like the Republicans in Congress who call the leftist's "my esteemed colleague" while they get stabbed in the back and have their character assassinated day after day.  

Then you're obviously not paying attention.  And that's unfortunate.  Ask any other right of center poster if that's what they think of me.  Try to become a little more aware of current reality, is my recommendation

Look what they do to our leaders sirs. They'll do it to you without thinking twice about it.

Yea......and?  Ends justify the means for many of those inflicted with BDS.  I'm fully aware of that.  I'm also fully aware that your personal attacks aimed at Js were FAR beyond justified. 

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle