Author Topic: Fanatic Muslim Family Day  (Read 626 times)

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Fanatic Muslim Family Day
« on: September 28, 2007, 02:11:03 PM »
Fanatic Muslim Family Day

By Joe Kaufman | 9/28/2007

On Sunday, October 14, 2007, Six Flags Over Texas, a Dallas-area amusement park, will be invaded by a radical Muslim organization that has physical ties with the Muslim Brotherhood and financial ties to Hamas. While most patrons of the park come for the games and rides, those involved with this group?s event, Muslim Family Day, may very well have found an original and appealing way to spread anti-Western hatred.

The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), an umbrella organization for South Asian-oriented mosques and Islamic centers throughout the United States and Canada, has been in existence for over three decades. Those that founded it had done so in order to create an American arm for the Muslim Brotherhood of Pakistan, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), and never has ICNA relinquished that connection. Indeed, just one year ago, ICNA was the top donor of a JI charity, the Al-Khidmat Foundation (AKF), that provided tens of thousands of dollars to the head of Hamas, Khaled Mashaal.

Apart from its working relationship with terrorists abroad, ICNA does an exceptional job of portraying itself as ?mainstream.? The group runs annual functions, in a number of cities, that are presented as family entertainment. The same will be the case, next month, when members of ICNA embark on Arlington, Texas, at Six Flags Over Dallas, for their Muslim Family Day.

Co-sponsoring the day is the Islamic Association of North Texas (IANT) a.k.a. the Dallas Central Mosque. IANT has helped to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the legal defense of Hamas operative Ghassan Elashi and his four brothers, one of which was on the mosque?s board. The Elashis have been tied to a Hamas financing ring, which included an internet company, InfoCom Corporation, and an Islamic charity, Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF). A Dallas trial regarding the Elashis and HLF, which began in July, is currently in its closing stages.

The upcoming event will feature prayer sessions at the Music Mill Theatre, halal food vendors, and Islamic organization tables offering the latest in extremist propaganda. As well, drawing parallels to Hamas TV?s late Mickey Mouse look-alike, Farfur, Muslim Family Day will offer a Bugs Bunny and Friends parade.

This is not the first time ICNA has used Six Flags to spread its message. The group holds yearly events at Six Flags? Great Adventure in New Jersey, the most recent of which took place in September of 2006. While many would consider it a harmless gesture for an organization to rent out an amusement park, with regard to ICNA, nothing is harmless.

As stated previously, ICNA was found to have been a recent donor to Hamas. However, ICNA has also been involved in the financing of Al-Qaeda. Shortly before (and after) the attacks on 9/11, ICNA?s Southeast division called on its website viewers to give ?material support? to their brethren in Chechnya. Attached to this call was a link to one of the main websites raising funds and recruiting fighters for Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The site, Jihad in Chechnya, was produced by Azzam Publications, named for the mentor of Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam. Additionally, one of the individuals involved in the creation of the website, Mazen Mokhtar, who has since been indicted on charges of tax fraud, was a featured speaker at different ICNA and ICNA-affiliate events.

Over time, ICNA has worked to create various radical projects. Among them are its youth wing,Young Muslims (YM), and a web information center called Why Islam? [The logos of YM and Why Islam? are found on the homepage of the Muslim Family Day website.] Both of these institutions provide forums on the internet for members and organization leaders to converse with one another. Found on the forums have been support for overseas terrorist organizations and calls for violence against Americans and Jews.

On the YM site, forum Moderator Living Shaheed wrote, ?I pray to Allah that I would become violent if someone stole my home, or killed by brother or sister, of denied that I existed or even had a history... Israel and America have to be made to realise that a JUST PEACE is the only solution, even if it means they realise it at the barrel of a gun!? Forum Moderator Mujahideen Ryder wrote, ?Let?s go al aqsa martyrs brigade! Where u at hamas? Where my hezbuallah brothaz at? Iz all good brothers and sisters, they?ll be more yahoodi [Jewish] blood.?

On the Why Islam? site, forum member New User wrote, ?I could careless for PEACE B.S. examples and B.S. [sic] refernces, PEACE is for the weak people that can be stepped on; PEACE is for fools that want to remain under control. Peace is a fragment of your imagination; PEACE will not bring back [founder of Hamas] Shiekh Yassin.? Forum member Brother Jim C. wrote, ?I don?t think Hamas has a reason to not want to destroy Israel.? And member True Mu?min, who uses a forum avatar (icon) of Looney Tunes character Taz, wrote, ?I hope that I die as a martyr.?

While using images of cartoon characters and sponsoring events at amusement parks may seem innocuous, the danger that the Islamic Circle of North America poses to the United States, Canada and others is clear. As a faction of the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization looks to impose Islam on Western society, and as a donor to a terrorist organization, the group is a willing participant in the act of violence.

ICNA?s Muslim Family Day that will occur on October 14, 2007 is nothing but a charade, created to spread hatred, but veiled in a way to make the sponsoring organization look harmless. Six Flags will play host to this dangerous farce. If events, such as these, are allowed to continue, more and more Americans could become desensitized to those groups ? fifth columns within our borders that wish to do us harm. It is up to those concerned to speak out against these travesties that threaten our way of life.

Americans Against Hate will be leading a protest outside Six Flags Over Texas, on Sunday, October 14th to call attention to ICNA?s ties to terrorist financing. Those that wish to get involved are asked to e-mail
Joe Kaufman is the Chairman of Americans Against Hate, the founder of CAIR Watch, and the spokesman for Terror-Free Oil Initiative.


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Re: Fanatic Muslim Family Day
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2007, 02:45:09 PM »
I think that the best cartoon terrorist would be Yosemite Sam. Unlike Taz, he was known for being ARMED and dangerous.

I think a terrorist should choose Yosemite Sam as a mascot, rather than Taz. Sam was known to be armed and dangerous.

Taz is all bluster and no chaos.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Fanatic Muslim Family Day
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2007, 12:05:30 AM »
     I don't see why this group needs to be criticised for its good or harmless activities , if it is doing something bad that should be what the criticism is.

      Does anyone worry about KKK bar- b -q's , it isn't the bake sale or the family day at six flags that is a threat.