I have to say that I find sirs' mind and its workings to be spookily fascinating. A window into the psychopathology of fascism and militarism and their interlocking relationship to pure old-fashioned sadism.
<<IF it [waterboarding] can prevent the potential for thousands of lives to be saved, absofrellinloutely [I would support it.]>>
This part of his post isn't very interesting, except for the absolute divorce from reality that is so typical of fascist and crypto-fascist "thinking." EVERYBODY who falls under prisoner interrogation has the potential to supply links or connections that directly or indirectly could lead to somebody or something which MIGHT be in a position to take thousands of lives. That is the nature of war, where the object is the largest possible scale of casualty infliction on the other side. Any soldier, quartermaster, harbourmaster, station master, or even traffic guard is a potential source of information that might save thousands of lives. There is NOBODY who would be exempt from torture, even the wives and children of Resistance fighters, if the potential for saving thousands of lives were to be the criterion for when to torture.
Here's where sirs gets really interesting: <<You'll of course get back to me when you can demonstrated how I support the infliction of bodily damage, or dismemberment, of pulling tongues out, or of burning the flesh of a living human....you know the stuff that folks like AlQeada performs, that you keep trying to compare us to. >>
Well, that's gonna be kinda hard to do, sirs. That's what the U.S. maintains secret torture chambers around the world for, so you'll never see exactly WHAT they are doing to their victims. That's why they have the practice of rendition - - where they just deliver the victim, they don't actually perform the tortures. That's how they can say with a straight face that they don't torturel
But I have a question for sirs, and I'm really curious: those things you mention,but you claim the U.S.A. does not do - - pulling tongues out, burning living flesh, dismemberment - - what ABOUT them? What if THOSE tortures had the potential to save thousands of lives, just like waterboarding? Would you also be "absofrellinlutely" in favour of them too? And if so, is it OK if Arabs use them on captured Americans to save (OK, potentially save) "thousands of Arab lives?"
<<[Tee quote:] sirs and his ilk must be prevented, by force if necessary, from having their way in the world. It's as simple as that. They are the enemy... In the long run only the total defeat of the U.S.A. by some power as yet unseen will put an end to the power of people who practise sirs' values.
<<And there, for all to see. It's Americans like me, and like minded citizens fighting for freedom and democracy that are the true enemies of the globe.>>
God-damn right. YOU are the only major power that openly defends torture. The Arabs do only what they have always been doing since there were first Arabs. Only from the West did the anti-torture campaign begin to roll back the practice, tiny step by tiny step. Only from the U.S.A. and the U.K. came the drive for a rule of law and the abolition of torture. And only from the U.S.A. are the small fruits of that drive being rolled back to the point where the world stands again at Square One in the fight against torture and the great civilizing conventions, the Fourth Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Unusual and Degrading Punishments , being openly ridiculed and flouted. And only by stopping you and your ilk will the campaign against torture begin to rebuild all its lost achievements.
<<Only those who managed to call real evil evil, are apparently the evil ones. >>
Look in the fucking mirror when you want to call evil evil. Stop pointing your finger at everyone else, YOU guys have done more to advance torture and roll back the campaign against it than anyone else on earth, and you are the people to be stopped if the campaign against torture is to have any realistic future at all.
<< And of course... ends justify the means. I doubt Brass and Tee would subject me to waterboarding.>>
You got THAT right.
<<My guess is they'll jump right into pulling the tongue out 1st, while forcing me to listen Air America, in one of their re-education camps. >>
You sure make it sound tempting. But don't worry, I thank God every day I'm not made of the same stuff as you, morally speaking.
<<Good thing I have my Sig & 30-30. That'll make it a tad harder>>
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot what a chickenshit little coward you really are. Who are you so scared of, sirs, that you needed to get a Sig & Sauer 30-30 and sleep with it loaded under your pillow? Osama bin Laden coming to get you? Me and Brass coming to pull out your tongue? Or is it the uninsured children of Amerikkka coming to rob you of what's yours to finance the health care of their miserable worthless little bodies?