<<1. december 2007 - no matter what. >>
Exactly what the British did in Palestine: "May 1, 1948" The Jews were prepared, the Arabs were Arabs, and the result was the State of Israel. Whoever is best prepared will probably grab the whole country after a series of bloody wars. Could take a long time.
<<2) "All your airspace are belong to us", >>
Purely technical issue. Depends on how good their AA will be. It belongs to you as long as you can fly over it without getting shot down and it belongs to them as long as they can blow you out of the skies.
<<3) We will pay xxxx $ for any foreign islamic fighter delivered to our forces (if they know they will be free, they have no need of Al-Qaeda), >>
Guaranteed garbage-disposal for them - - they'll sell you their own fucking brother-in-law if they think his business is making a good profit and maybe once in a couple of years you might even get a bona fide al Qaeda. Most of the good al Qaedas will have gone off to fight the Great Satan elsewhere, in Afghanistan, Palestine or wherever he raises his ugly head.
<<4) You will not export oil, if Al-Qaeda operates in Iraq.>>
Why would al Qaeda want to operate in Iraq if the Great Satan has left the building and why would they want you to know about it if otherwise?
<< 5) If you want to divide the country - fine - but if you can't agree on the borders, then we will draw them, and bomb those who try to invade.>>
It's a waste of bombs - - they'll still fight over the borders and since it's a civil war there won't be an invasion.
<< 6) If you want to export oil, you will have to share it fairly between Sunni, Shia and Kurd. >>
When you're not there, you lose the right to tell them where the proceeds go - - or even if they stay in Iraq.
When you bug out of Iraq, you'll have about as much right to dictate their affairs to them as you do in Viet Nam. My feeling is, once out, the Americans won't give a shit what happens to Iraq, but they'll hope it's bad; real bad. Americans are traditionally sore losers. Like any other bully.