I guess the problem with Rich's posts, like the posts of all hate-filled bigots, is the total divorce from reality that they represent. His entire experience of the Muslim world has been through the printed word, and it looks like the printed words that he accesses all come from one side of the conflict.
What you're getting isn't really Rich's 1st-hand view of anything - - it's more or less a regurgitation of the worst kind of hate-filled propaganda that he can find. Why this POV and no other seems to resonate with Rich, I don't really know. I have my theories, but I'd prefer not to personalize the debate, and they are only speculative anyway. Most if not all of Rich's stuff originates with Zionists or Zionist-affiliated organizations; the loyalties of the writer are often obvious but in many cases the Zionists have the resources to compensate authors for favourable or useful articles under the table so that the axe that is being ground is never exposed to public view.
The reason for AIPAC and the many other arms of the Zionist propaganda apparatus for financing this hateful garbage couldn't be clearer. Because of some really bad choices made by Israeli politicians over the years, Israel's very life has come to depend on continuing U.S. support, regardless of the cost that that support comes with, in the form of universal hatred of the U.S.A. all over the Muslim and Arab world. The only hope the Israelis have of continuing their policy of ethnic cleansing and land-grabbing is for the American people to continue to support them unconditionally, which in turn depends on demonizing the Arabs and Muslims while simultaneously whitewashing the Israeli image. Basically what Rich is doing, and what the writers of his posted articles are doing.
Inevitably, this kind of "support" for Israel is going to be its undoing. Relying on the support of Uncle Sam while slapping around the bigger boys in the hood is short-sighted and foolish. One day Uncle Sam will realize what all this unconditional support is costing him, and will abandon the Israelis like they were Basra Shi'ites tearing down Saddam Hussein portraits. The turnaround will be stunning. It will cost the U.S. nothing, in fact they will realize very substantial gains. The Jews will be left to deal with the consequences of their own arrogance and inhumanity and it won't be pretty. I hope they will be able to find the time to "thank" their "friends" like Rich and his ilk.
Although I've never been to the Middle East, my basic knowledge of Muslims, like Henny's, comes from the real world, not the printed page. We (my wife and I) have had very good Muslim friends, and I've had fairly extensive business dealings with them. It's true, I don't know any who dress in non-Western styles, but then again I don't know any Jews who dress like Hassidic weirdos either. The Muslims I know mostly drink liquor, go to nightclubs and have fun and talk like anyone else about women, cars, sports, etc. They are normal healthy guys and their wifes are normal healthy women. There are some who are abstemious, but so are our Mormon neighbours and neither group is in-your-face about it. I'm sure there are crazed fanatics among the Muslims, just as there are among the Jews and Christians. What Rich's material attempts to do is find the craziest, and then use them to smear the entire group, their causes and their religion.
I think ignorant bigotry such as Spencer's and other Zionist whores' very sad, but more importantly than that, it is something that absolutely must be confronted head-on, post for post, line for line. I commend Henny for taking the time to respond to this ignorant barrage of hate literature as ably as she has. All that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good men and women do nothing.