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>>O'Reilly is an annoying loudmouthed Irishman.<<
Still spouting racism I see. I guess some people get away with anything.
Are the Irish a race, then?
Boyo, me verrry own grrrandmither was a Brrrady, don't ya know.
I merely suggest that when an Irishman is annoying, he is annoying in a particular Hibernian way.
When an Englishman is annoying, he is stuffy and supercilious.
An annoying German tends to be militant and overly righteous.
An irritating Frenchman tends to take an attitude of superiority in matters both linguistic and culinary.
I feel that this is true statement, and being partly Irish, I have the right to state it.
I don't see this as any more anti-Irish than the Notre Dame cartoon Leprechaun. He is feisty in an Irish way, is he not?
It would only be racist if the Irish were a race. I don't think that they are much more than an ethnicity.
You are annoying, but I feel that it is in a more generic, less classifiable, way.
By me "getting away" with stating this, are you suggesting that I be arrested for expressing an opinion?