This really is the best you people can come up with? He's stupid? Reagan is stupid ... was Bush 41 stupid or just a wimp? ... O'Reilly is stupid, Bush is stupid, Thomas is stupid ... yada yada yada.
Reagan is deceased, but when he was alive and only semi-affected with Altzheimers, he was not stupid, he was ignorant. He didn't know squat, and had every cue written on those index cards. He was utterly lost without his notes.
Olebush was a wimp, but also a member of the oligarchy and a connaiver. His job was to manipulate the resources of the middle class and the huge gains from productivity into the oligarchy's pockets.
Thomas is none to bright, and jeez, he still has this obsessive grudge over his appointment after 16 years? He has the cushiest, most secure kjob any Black man has even held in this country and he just sits there on his bench and says nothing and writes less, aping Scalia and Alioto, in a monkey see, monkey do sort of way.
Juniorbush is a failed attempt at resurrecting the stinking corpse of Reagan. He is oired for sound, and needs no index cards. Like Reagan, he learned nothing at college and relies on what they tell him. His job is to continue the looting of the middle class and for good measure, Iraq as well, but his Iraqi adventure has failed due to the incompetence of those around him: Cheney and the neocons especially. Now Giullani has hired the neocons and they're baaaack.
But they can't win. The country has had enough of imperial adventures, secrecy and fascist laws.
You are just a tired and unneeded shill of these thieves and fools. Observe how you are convincing no one.